Repository for SEF Multiverse program
SEF Multiverse came up with the idea to measure the university engagement with SEF. Each university has societies registered with SEF.
When we need to share a link (which can be a FB event, blog post, form, etc.) within those universities, it can generate custom links from the Multiverse web app. Those links are trackable, and we can measure the engagement by those links. Finally, the results are displayed on a public dashboard. [1]
Task list & Progress can be found here: [2]
Setup WSO2 API Manager 2.6.0 (not 3.0.0) Download from this link : (Version: 2.6.0)
Setup tomcat9
Clone the sef common webapps repo
Create a new application in WSO2 APIM store and add the creadentials to the invoker.
Go to WSO2 APIM Store: https://localhost:9443/store
Go to Applications > Add new application > Pick a name > Click Add
Go to the created application and click Generate button.
Copy the key and secret to
file -
Build the invoker module using maven.
mvn clean install
Deploy the generated war in tomcat9 server.
- Build the project using maven
mvn clean install
- Deploy three war files in module target directories in tomcat9
( Upgade to MySQL 8.0 if you are using lower versions )
- Create new mysql user for sef
CREATE USER 'sef'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sef123';
- Grant access to the new user
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'sef'@'localhost';
- Run the mysql.sql script in scripts directory to import the database.
- Login to the WSO2 APIM publisher portal. https://localhost:9443/publisher
- Go to 'Add New API' > I Have an API > Swagger File > Select the scripts/swagger.json file
- Set context name to "partnership" and hit next
- Click on Managed api and add production endpoint to
(8080 is your tomacat port) hit next - Set transports to HTTPS, Subscription Tiers to Unlimited
- Hit Save & Publish
- Login to API store and subscribe to the created api. https://localhost:9443/store (you must login)
To invoke any open endpoints use
To invoke other endpoints use
To login use:
POST: http://localhost:8080/invoker/#
to postman to see available endpoints.