Pocket Casts is the world's most powerful podcast platform, an app by listeners, for listeners.
If you're just looking to install Pocket Casts Android, you can find it on Google Play. If you're a developer wanting to contribute, read on.
- Make sure you've installed Android Studio.
- In Android Studio, open the project from the local repository.
- Go to Tools β Device Manager and create an emulated device.
- Go to Run β Edit Configurationsβ¦ and create an Android App configuration.
- Select the module "pocketcasts-android.app.main".
- Run.
To build, install, and test the project from the command line:
$ ./gradlew :app:assembleDebugProd # assemble the debug .apk
$ ./gradlew :app:installDebugProd # install the debug .apk to a connected device
$ ./gradlew :app:testDebugUnitTest # assemble, install and run unit tests
$ ./gradlew :app:connectedDebugAndroidTest # assemble, install and run Android tests
βββ app # Mobile app
βββ automotive # Automotive app
βββ modules
β βββ features
β β βββ account # Create account and # pages.
β β βββ cartheme # Automotive resources needed for the account pages.
β β βββ discover # Discover section.
β β βββ endofyear # End of year stats.
β β βββ filters # Filters section.
β β βββ navigation # Navigation utilities.
β β βββ player # Full screen player
β β βββ podcasts # Podcasts section.
β β βββ profile # Profile section.
β β βββ search # Search pages.
β β βββ settings # Settings pages.
β β βββ taskerplugin # Plugin for integration with Tasker app.
β βββ services
β βββ analytics # Analytics code.
β βββ compose # Shared Compose code.
β βββ images # Image resources.
β βββ localization # Contains the strings in English and localized strings from GlotPress.
β βββ model # The database logic and entities. Also transfer objects required which aren't stored in the database.
β βββ preferences # Stores the user preferences and configuration settings.
β βββ repositories # Provides accessing to the data from the 'servers' and 'model' modules.
β βββ servers # Provides the network calls to the servers. The UI layer should access these through the 'repositories' module.
β βββ ui # Shared UI code for the 'compose' and 'views' modules. This includes the themes.
β βββ utils # Utility classes.
β βββ views # Shred Only the old views code.
The hierarchy of the modules in the project are reflected in this diagram.
Read our Contributing Guide to learn about reporting issues, contributing code, and more ways to contribute.
- Coding Style - guidelines and validation and auto-formatting tools
- Pull Request Guidelines - branch naming and how to write good pull requests
- Translations - how the app gets translated and how to contribute translations
To build a signed release, add these lines to your local.properties file