A starter template for LazyVim. Refer to the documentation to read.
Requeried for glab
- Go (required) Download and install - The Go Programming Language
Name | Link |
Lua | Lua: download |
Lazygit | jesseduffield/lazygit: simple terminal UI for git commands |
Ripgrep | BurntSushi/ripgrep |
luarocks | LuaRocks - The Lua package manager |
Create ~/.markdownlint.json config file for markdownlint-cli2, for example
"line-length": {
"line_length": 180,
"code_blocks": false,
"tables": false
"ignore_code_blocks": true
- For git directory put this file in root, sometime linter not use setup config and require local config.
- ruby language
- neotest
- ERB - lint and format files
- Spec - run suite or selected test for debug
- Cucumber - run suite or selected test for debug
- Reek -check smell code
- LSP for ruby, definition, gems
- Markdown - linter and formatter with config
- Rails-nvim - plegin ala tpope Rails, fast move, partial, etc.