Install requires Neovim 0.9+. Always review the code before installing a configuration.
Clone the repository and install the plugins:
git clone ~/.config/sergiornelas/nvim
Open Neovim with this config:
NVIM_APPNAME=sergiornelas/nvim/ nvim
- rose-pine/neovim
- EdenEast/nightfox.nvim
- sainnhe/gruvbox-material
- ribru17/bamboo.nvim
- comfysage/evergarden
- ficcdaf/ashen.nvim
- folke/tokyonight.nvim
- eldritch-theme/eldritch.nvim
- AlexvZyl/nordic.nvim
- thesimonho/kanagawa-paper.nvim
- scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim
- rebelot/kanagawa.nvim
- 0xstepit/flow.nvim
- sainnhe/edge
- catppuccin/nvim
- navarasu/onedark.nvim
- craftzdog/solarized-osaka.nvim
- folke/snacks.nvim
- tummetott/unimpaired.nvim
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context
- windwp/nvim-autopairs
- okuuva/auto-save.nvim
- andersevenrud/nvim_context_vt
- kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb
- rachartier/tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim
- neovim/nvim-lspconfig
- zeioth/garbage-day.nvim
- aznhe21/actions-preview.nvim
- cssls
- eslint
- html
- jsonls
- lua_ls