PostgreSQL Monitoring
This script is part of a monitoring solution that allows to monitor several services and applications.
For more information about this monitoring solution please check out this post on my site.
- ksh
- sudo
#~ sudo apt install ksh sudo
#~ sudo yum install ksh sudo
We may need to enable some extensions.
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache;
postgres=# \dx pg_buffercache
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
pg_buffercache | 1.0 | public | examine the shared buffer cache
(1 row)
Zabbix user has to have sudo privileges.
#~ cat /etc/sudoers.d/user_zabbix
# Allow the user zabbix to execute any command without password
Defaults:zabbix !requiretty
Then you can run the deploy_zabbix script
#~ git clone
#~ sudo ./zapgix/
#~ sudo systemctl restart zabbix-agent
Note: the installation has to be executed on the zabbix agent host and you have to import the template on the zabbix web. The default installation directory is /etc/zabbix/scripts/agentd/zapgix/