In order to run this project you must have docker and docker-compose installed.
1 Clone this repository together with laradock submodule
git clone --recursive
2 Go to laradock folder in the root of the project
cd todo-manager-laravel/laradock-task-manager
3 Copy .env
cp env-example .env
4 Change version of MySQL in .env to 5.7
replace MYSQL_VERSION=latest
5 Go back to project root folder (cd ../
) and run
cp .env.example .env
composer install
php artisan key:generate
6 Go back to laradock folder and start docker-compose
cd laradock-task-manager
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
7 Run migrations and seeds
docker-compose exec workspace php artisan migrate
docker-compose exec workspace php artisan db:seed
8 Open http://localhost and use this credentials to login
email: admin@todo.loc
password: password