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AWS EKS Auto Mode Terraform demo

This repo provides the Terraform configuration to deploy a demo app running on an AWS EKS Cluster with Auto Mode enabled, using best practices. This was created as an educational tool to learn about EKS Auto Mode and Terraform. It is not recommended that this configuration be used in production without further assessment to ensure it meets organization requirements.

To learn more about AWS EKS Auto Mode, see the AWS Documentation. EKS Auto Mode automates:

  • Compute: It creates new nodes when pods can't fit onto existing ones, and identifies low utilization nodes for deletion.
  • Networking: It configures AWS Load Balancers for Kubernetes Service and Ingress resources, to expose cluster apps to the internet.
  • Storage: It creates EBS Volumes to back Kubernetes storage resources.

In these Terraform files, comments describe how AWS EKS Auto Mode simplifies and changes deployment. You can search for "EKS Auto Mode" to find these comments.

Blog post

There is a blog post that complements this repo:

Amazon EKS Auto Mode ENABLED - Build your super-powered cluster

This blog posts goes into detail on the changes introduced by EKS Auto Mode, and what Auto Mode can (and cannot) do

Deployed resources

This Terraform configuration deploys the following resources:

  • AWS EKS Cluster with Auto Mode enabled, using Amazon EC2 nodes
  • Amazon DynamoDB table
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume used as attached storage for the Kubernetes cluster (a PersistentVolume)
  • Demo "guestbook" application, deployed via containers
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB) to access the app

Plus several other supporting resources, as shown in the following diagram:


Deploy EKS cluster and app resources

Run all commands from an environment that has

  • Terraform installed
  • AWS CLI installed
  • AWS credentials configured for the target account

You have two options:

Option 1. For those familiar with using Terraform

  1. Update the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table used for Terraform backend state here: Instructions are in the comments in that file.

  2. Choose one of the tfvars configuration files in the terraform/environment directory, or create a new one. The environment name env_name should be unique to each tfvars configuration file. You can also set the AWS Region in the configuration file.

  3. cd into the terraform directory

  4. Initialize Terraform

    terraform init
  5. Set the terraform workspace to the same value as the environment name env_name for the tfvars configuration file you are using.

    • If this is your first time running then use
      terraform workspace new <env_name>
    • On subsequent uses, use
      terraform workspace select <env_name>
  6. Generate the plan and review it

    terraform plan -var-file=environment/<selected tfvars file>
  7. Deploy the resources

    terraform apply -var-file=environment/<selected tfvars file> -auto-approve

Under Outputs there may be a value for alb_dns_name. If not, then

  • you can wait a few seconds and re-run the terraform apply command, or
  • you can look up the value in your EKS cluster by examining the Ingress Kubernetes resource

Use this DNS name to access the app. Use http:// (do not use https). It may take about a minute after initial deployment for the application to start working.

If you want to experiment and make changes to the Terraform, you should be able to start at step 3.

Option 2. Automatic configuration and execution

  1. Update the S3 bucket and DynamoDB table used for Terraform backend state here: Instructions are in the comments in that file.
  2. Choose one of the tfvars configuration files in the terraform/environment directory, or create a new one. The environment name env_name should be unique to each tfvars configuration file. You can also set the AWS Region in the configuration file.
  3. Run the following commands:
cd scripts


Tear-down (clean up) all the resources created


cd scripts

./ \
    -var-file=environment/<selected tfvars file>

Do it yourself

terraform init
terraform workspace select <env_name>
terraform destroy \
    -auto-approve \
    -target=kubernetes_deployment_v1.guestbook_app_deployment \
    -var-file=environment/<selected tfvars file>

terraform destroy \
    -auto-approve \
    -target=kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim_v1.ebs_pvc \
    -var-file=environment/<selected tfvars file>

terraform destroy \
    -auto-approve \
    -var-file=environment/<selected tfvars file>

To understand why this requires three separate destroy operations, see this.

Known issues

I welcome feedback or bug reports (use GitHub issues) and Pull Requests.

MIT License


Demonstrating how to setup AWS EKS Auto Mode







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