Releases: sfu-cosmo/MGCAMB_v4
Releases · sfu-cosmo/MGCAMB_v4
- implemented the QSA models where only dark matter is coupled to scalar field
- added background model based on parameterization of the DE density Omega_x, as opposed to w
- implemented a non-parametric reconstruction of mu, Sigma and Omega_x based on cubic-spline interpolation
- implemented the direct mu, Sigma parametrization for different models
- the option of including DE perturbations to achieve the consistency with CAMB when working with non-LCDM background models.
- added a python wrapper to run MGCAMB from the python interface
- the code has been restructured and upgraded to CAMB version 1.3.5
- added compatibility with Cobaya (MGCobaya)
- implemented consistently massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy.
- restructured and updated to the CAMB 2018 version.