An API developed in flask restful that allows you to create a shopping list and add items on different shopping lists. It is using token based auth to enhance security on users' lists
You need to have the following installed in you PC
1. Python 2.7+ (preferably python 3.4 and above)
2. Flask
3. PostgreSQL
4. Flask SQL Alchemy
install them using pip command (i.e pip install flask)
To install the project to your local PC, clone the repo by running
git clone
Once you have cloned the project, navigate to the directory and install the requirements.
$ cd ShoppingListAPI
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the database for the API project, for this project we are using postgresql database.
$ psql:
# create database API;
Prepare the environment for running test by running the following commands on your terminal
export DB_URL='postgresql://postgres@username:password/-databasenname-'
export SECRET_KEY = 'this-should-be-very-secret'
- if you are using windows, user set instead of export
Run the tests using nose
nosetests -v --with-coverage
Set the environment to run your application
export FLASK_CONFIG=development
export SECRET_KEY='this-is-very-secret'
export DB_URL='postgresql://postgres@username:password/-databasenname-'
- Run the application using:
python runserver
Access the application on your browser using :
URL | Methods | Description | Authentication |
/register | POST | Allow users to register | False |
/# | POST | Allow registered users to login and generate token | False |
/Shoppinglist | POST | Allow user to create a new shopping list | True |
/Shoppinglist | GET | Allow users to get list of shopping lists | True |
/user | GET | Get the current user | True |
/Shoppinglist/{id} | GET | Get a shoppinglist by using unique id | True |
/Shoppinglist/{id} | PUT | Update a shopping list given the id of the shopping list | True |
/Shoppinglist{id} | DELETE | Delete shopping list given the unique id | True |
/Shoppinglist/{id}/Items | POST | Create an item to specific shoppinglist | True |
/Shoppinglist/{id}/Items | GET | GET items of specific shoppinglist | True |
/Shoppinglist/{list_id}/item/{id} | PUT | Update an item given unique id | True |
/Shoppinglist/{list_id}/item/{id} | GET | Get an item given unique id | True |
/Shoppinglist/{list_id}/item/{id} | DELETE | Delete an item given unique id | True |
Deloy the application to heroku.
Read the doc on how to deploy the application to heroku on:
It is live on heroku: