A dating site that allows users to connect with others based on romantic preference/interests and geo location.
- npm v6.13.4 : https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm
- Node v12.16.1 : https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- MAMP : https://bitnami.com/stack/mamp
Navigate to https://github.com/sgigaba/matcha.git, click on clone or download
Once you have downloaded the source code navigate to the folder Matcha
run npm install to install all of the modules needed for this project
- Download MAMP from the bitnami website
- Open the manager-osx. Go to the Manage servers tabs and make sure mysql database is running. If not press Restart.
- Press configure, this should show details about the port.
- Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:(the port)/phpmyadmin
- Create the database titled matcha, navigate to import and upload the file matcha.sql
- Create a database titled profile, navigate to import and upload the file profile.sql
- run node entry to start the server
- navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser to open the website
Back end technologies
- JavaScript
- node.js
- express
Front-end technologies
- handlebars
- bootstrap
- body-parser
- express-session
Database management systems
- mysql
- phpmyadmin
Break down of app folder structure
- views
- layouts
- main.handlebars
- This is where the overall structure of all of the views is defined including html tags, bootstrap configuration and any javascript files.
- main.handlebars
- partials
- head.handlebars
- nav.handlebars
- This contains the structure of the nav bar which is consistent throughout application.
- layouts
- routes (Handles the back end functionality and the rendering of views)
- block.js
- Handles the websites block functionality. User is able to block and unblock a specific user. Ensures that a blocked user is not able to view your profile or send you a chat.
- chatr.js
- Handles the chat functionality. Ensures that a user is only able to chat with another user if they have both liked each other.
- confirm.js
- Validates the confirmation code a user receives via email when creating an account, ensures the user has confirmes their email adress before accessing the website.
- custom.js
- Handles the back end functionality of the recommended matches based on a users predifned sexuality, preferences, interests (tags) and geo location.
- login.js
- Handles user login by cross checking a users email and password.
- #.js
- Handles user # by taking
- notifications.js
- block.js
- helpers
- helper.js
- Custom code for certain conditions that alter the views.
- helper.js
- config
- db.js
- Handles the databse connection
- db.js
- views