This template can be used to create a blog/forum based on core (API or MVC). Currently presentation layer implemented with MVC. Works with PostgreSQL.
- Role based Auth
- Admin panel (Create, update, delete posts for Authors, manage users, site settings, pages, etc for Admins)
- Notifications
- Smart pagination
- Nested comments for posts
- User profiles
- Move front-end to React/Angular/Vue
- Implement tags & search for posts
- EF Core
- MediatR
- AutoMapper
- FluentValidation
- ToastNotification
- X.PagedList
- NSubstitude (Tests)
- Download/Clone:
git clone
- Update your Postgre connection string in secrets.json/appsettings.json.
- Apply Migration in your package manager:
or use dotnet cli. - Run & configure your site in Dashboard. Default Login: Admin, Default Password: Admin@1234. Change default account settings in DatabaseInitialBuilder.