Matlab code that decomposes EEG, ECoG or LFP data exploiting a Marked Point Process (MPP) framework. Improvements in implementation includes a robust Correntropy based denoising approach.
Running instructions:
X - banpassed, multi - trial, single channel EEG signal in cell format or row format. (Dimension: number of trials X Time)
M - Maximum length of event in samples. For ex., sleep spindles are approximately 0.5s in length. In that case, M = 0.5 X sampling frequency
K - Total number of dictionary atoms/ templates/ clusters of events.
MPP - structure comprising of trial wise detections (as a marked point process (MPP)):
PhEv - normalized snippet of the exracted event,
tau - time point of occurrence (mid - point),
alph - maximum absolute amplitude of the event,
D_idx - dictionary index that maximally correlates
pow - power of the extracted snippet
D - Dictionary atoms/ centers of the cluster/ templates of the events
th - minimum norm of burst in training data
ar, bw - properties of event norm distribition.
For training, call:
[D,MPP,th,ar,bw] = PhEv_Learn_fast_2(X, M, K);
For testing, call:
th = GetThreshold(X,M,ar,bw); # to adjust threshold on unseen data
MPP = Decomp_EEG(X,D,M,th,1); # to make detections on test data - trims the events to include only oscillations
MPP = Decomp_EEG(X,D,M,th,0); # to make detections on test data - for no event trimming