This is the source of the Shaka Player History live stream. It is a dynamically-generated video stream with a visualization of Shaka Player's commit history. The stream loops forever, and the contents of each iteration of the loop get longer as more commits are added to Shaka Player.
The video frames are generated by an open-source tool called Gource.
The audio of the stream is a loop of 24 solo piano works by J.S. Bach. See sources/bach/#readme for details.
The full stream is encoded with FFmpeg and packaged into DASH and HLS by Shaka Packager. These two tools are orchestrated by Shaka Streamer, which also uploads the output to Google Cloud Storage.
The live streams are publicly accessible:
- HLS:
Click here to play instantly in Shaka Player.
This is published in the hopes that it is at least interesting, if not useful to people outside of the Shaka family. It's also nice for us to have the details of this stream formalized and revision-controlled. That said, if you want to fork it or run your own instances, please go ahead!
We assume that the latest version of Shaka Streamer is installed. Please upgrade Streamer when you update this service.
Note that before you install or run this, we have hard-coded certain details that you might want to adjust if you fork this to upload to another location or to visualize another repository:
hard-code the repo URL and certain pre-historical details about Shaka Playerscripts/
are specific to Shaka Player committerssources/title.txt
mentions Shaka
hard-code the output bucket gs://shaka-live-assets/
# Create an unpriveleged user
sudo adduser \
--quiet \
--system \
shaka-player-history \
--home /opt/shaka-player-history \
# Install this repo to /opt/shaka-player-history
git clone
sudo mv shaka-player-history /opt/shaka-player-history
# Make this owned by the unpriveleged user
sudo chown -R shaka-player-history /opt/shaka-player-history
# Give the unpriveleged user access to your hardware encoder
# One of these groups might work, depending on your distro
sudo usermod -a -G video shaka-player-history || true
sudo usermod -a -G render shaka-player-history || true
# Install dependencies
sudo apt -y install gource xvfb apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg curl
curl | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install google-cloud-cli
sudo apt -y install python3-yaml python3-distro
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade shaka-streamer shaka-streamer-binaries google-cloud-storage || \
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade --break-system-packages shaka-streamer shaka-streamer-binaries google-cloud-storage
# Set up Google Cloud credentials with access to your output bucket
sudo su shaka-player-history -s /bin/bash -c 'gcloud init'
sudo su shaka-player-history -s /bin/bash -c 'gcloud auth application-default login'
# Install the service
sudo install -m 0644 /opt/shaka-player-history/shaka-player-history.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable shaka-player-history
sudo systemctl start shaka-player-history
To simply check the raw service logs, use this script:
To get an interpreted view of those logs, use this script:
If everything is healthy and keeping up with real time, the service should eventually reach a speed of 1.0x. Ex:
{'TS': '2025-01-15T17:52:31.344017', 'SPEED': 1.0}