Always wear appropriate clothes for the day. Never get stuck under the rain without umbrella again. Plan your future trip. Stock up on small talk topics for your elevator rides. Get sad looking at tropical weather while stuck at work.
in brief.. Another weather app!
- About the project
- Screenshot
- Demo
- Contribution
- Built with
- Features
- Todo & ideas
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- License
First personal React project. Had tons of fun coding it and experimenting. Bugs are expected, kindly open a new issue if you discover any.
Meant to be a starter project, something for the community to have fun with, to experiment, to learn, to improve...
Feel free to contribute!
Here is a live demo
Want to contribute? Follow these steps:
Fork the repo
Create a new branch
$ git checkout -b new-feature
Make the appropriate changes in the files
Add changes to reflect the changes made
Commit your changes
$ git commit -am 'new-feature'
Push to the branch
$ git push origin new-feature
Create a Pull Request
If you find a bug, please open an issue here.
- React via create-react-app - React boilerplate
- Material UI - Components library following Material Design guidelines
OpenWeather API - Weather data
Geoapify API - for places autocompletion
- React-chartjs-2 - React wrapper for Chart.js
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client
- React-multi-carousel - Customizable React carousel
- Font Awesome - Icon library
- 7-days weather
- Search autocompletion
- Temperatures on chart
- Other awesome features yet to be implemented
Open to any suggestions.
- Different backgrounds according to the actual weather (rainy, snowy...)
- Dark mode
- Search history
- Display more data on chart?
Design greatly inspired by Arthur K π
Created by Tiass - feel free to contact me!
You can check out the full license here
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT Β© license.