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Amazon Clone - Full Stack Project

Overview This project is an Amazon Clone built using React for the frontend, Firebase for backend services such as authentication and database, and Stripe for payment integration. The project mimics key features of an e-commerce platform like Amazon, including user registration, product browsing, shopping cart functionality, and secure checkout with payment processing.

Tech Stack -Frontend: React -Backend Services**: Firebase (Authentication, Firestore Database)

  • Payment Gateway: Stripe
  • Deployment: Firebase Hosting


  1. User Authentication:

    • Users can register and log in using Firebase Authentication.
    • Password-based and Google OAuth sign-in options are supported.
  2. Product Listings:

    • Display a list of products fetched from a Firebase Firestore database.
    • Each product has details such as image, price, description, and reviews.
  3. Shopping Cart:

    • Users can add items to their shopping cart and manage quantities.
    • Cart persists across sessions for logged-in users.
  4. Checkout Process:

    • Integrated with Stripe for secure and seamless payment processing.
    • Users can input their card details and complete transactions via Stripe.
  5. Order History:

    • After successful payment, orders are stored in Firebase, and users can view their order history.
  6. Responsive Design:

    • The application is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Project Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd amazon-clone
  2. Install Dependencies: Run the following command to install all the necessary packages:

    npm install
  3. Set Up Firebase:

    • Create a Firebase project in the Firebase Console.
    • Enable Firebase Authentication and Firestore.
    • Copy your Firebase config credentials and paste them into your React project (src/firebase.js):
    import firebase from "firebase/app";
    import "firebase/auth";
    import "firebase/firestore";
    const firebaseConfig = {
        apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
        authDomain: "YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN",
        projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
        storageBucket: "YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET",
        messagingSenderId: "YOUR_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID",
        appId: "YOUR_APP_ID"
    const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
    const db = firebaseApp.firestore();
    const auth = firebase.auth();
    export { db, auth };
  4. Set Up Stripe:

    • Create a Stripe account at Stripe.
    • Generate a Stripe publishable key from the Stripe dashboard.
    • Add the publishable key in your React app (src/Payment.js):
    const stripePromise = loadStripe('YOUR_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY');
  5. Running the Project:

    • Start the development server:
    npm start


  1. Firebase Hosting:

    • Run the following commands to deploy the project on Firebase Hosting:
    firebase login
    firebase init
    firebase deploy

    Make sure to select Hosting and follow the prompts to set up Firebase hosting. After deployment, your project will be accessible via a unique Firebase URL.

Folder Structure

├── public/             # Public assets (index.html, favicon, etc.)
├── src/
│   ├── components/     # React components (Header, Product, Checkout, etc.)
│   ├── Payment.js      # Stripe integration and payment processing
│   ├── firebase.js     # Firebase configuration and setup
│   ├── App.js          # Main app component with routing logic
│   └── index.js        # Entry point of the React app
├── .firebaserc         # Firebase project configuration
├── firebase.json       # Firebase deployment settings
├── package.json        # Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── .env                # Environment variables (Stripe keys, Firebase config)
└──           # Project documentation (this file)

Important Notes

  • Stripe Test Mode: While in development, use Stripe's test card numbers for testing payments.
  • Security: Do not expose your Firebase and Stripe keys in public repositories. Use environment variables for sensitive data in production.
  • Database Rules: Ensure that your Firestore security rules are properly set up to prevent unauthorized access.

Future Enhancements

  • Add product reviews and ratings.
  • Integrate real-time chat support.
  • Implement a recommendation system for products.








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