This project performs a comprehensive sentiment analysis on restaurant reviews, leveraging Hugging Face's powerful NLP models. The workflow includes the following steps:
We analyze customer reviews using pre-trained sentiment analysis models from Hugging Face to derive sentiment scores (positive, negative, neutral).
We calculate the correlation between the derived sentiment scores and the corresponding customer ratings to understand how closely the sentiment matches the given ratings.
The sentiment scores from the text reviews are then used as labels to train a deep learning model for classifying images of restaurants. This deep learning model uses the sentiment values (positive, negative, etc.) as labels, allowing for visual sentiment classification.
Sentiment Analysis: Utilizing Hugging Face Bert transformer for text-based sentiment analysis.
Investigating the relationship between review sentiment and customer ratings.
Training a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) on restaurant images using the derived sentiment labels.
Restaurant review text and customer ratings, along with corresponding restaurant images. Google Maps Restaurant Reviews Dataset: ''