Clone repository. Install python and run: ./
This will create edge_analytics.html in the same directory. Open html file in browser and you are in business :)
Please refer to for more information about the basic monitoring app.
- make docker
- make run
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- flask run
- For html table open browser to
- For json
example output:
"state": {
"auto-negotiate": "false",
"enable-flow-control": "false",
"negotiated-duplex-mode": "full-duplex",
"negotiated-port-speed": "speed-1gb"
"stats": {
"in-errors": "0",
"in-mac-control-frames": "0",
"in-mac-pause-frames": "0",
"in-octets": "164902",
"out-errors": "0",
"out-mac-control-frames": "0",
"out-mac-pause-frames": "0",
"out-octets": "132751042"
"summary": [
"Application hosting interface is up",
"No packet errors seen on the interface",
"No MAC Pause frames seen on the interface"