A php-based Nagios compliant check for the popular Shelly IoT devices. This check should work with any nagios compliant monitoring system such as Icinga, Naemon, check_mk, Zabbix and others ...
Note: Currently only Shelly1 and Shelly2 are supported.
The check reads uptime, ram and file system usage and reports warning, if the defined threshold is reached.
php with php-curl module
a check command example:
./check_shelly -H <shelly-ip> -u shellyuser -p shellypassword -w 90 -c 95
- -H (host) is mandatory
- -u (username) and -p (password) are optional, if the Shelly is protected via username / password
- -w and -c are optional warning /critical thresholds .. (default is 90 for warning, 95 for critical)
OK: shelly1-1D9ABA - Type: SHSW-1 (Uptime: 0 days, 16 hours, 5 minutes and 50 seconds) is healthy.
- add support for other Shelly devices
- generate perfdata output
- add monitoring for relay states (warn or critical, if relay state is off)