This repo is view to zoomable by pinch gesture.
For installing with SPM, add it to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.2.5"))
For installing with Carthage, add it to your Cartfile
github "shima11/InteractiveZoomDriver"
For installing with CocoaPods, add it to your Podfile
pod 'InteractiveZoomDriver'
import InteractiveZoomDriver
let zoomView = UIImageView() // UIView or SubClass of UIView
zoomView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
Add zoom function to target UIView.
: added tap and pan gesture.
: source view.
: Transformed View during zooming.
: Delegate to the outside whether zooming is possible.
let driver = InteractiveZoomDriver(
gestureTargetView: imageView2,
sourceView: imageView2,
targetViewFactory: { (fromImageView: UIImageView) -> UIView in
let view = UIImageView()
view.image = fromImageView.image
view.clipsToBounds = fromImageView.clipsToBounds
view.contentMode = fromImageView.contentMode
return view
shouldZoomTransform: {(sourceView: UIImageView) -> Bool in
if sourceView.image == nil {
return false
return true
This is also no problem.
and InteractiveZoomView.shouldZoomTransform
is default implementation of protocol extension.
corresponds to UIImageView
To support other than UIImageView
, add an implementation in extension.
let driver = InteractiveZoomDriver(
gestureTargetView: zoomView,
sourceView: zoomView,
targetViewFactory: InteractiveZoomView.clone,
shouldZoomTransform: InteractiveZoomView.shouldZoomTransform
InteractiveZoomView is able to only UIImageView now.
If you want to use custom UIView, you need to create extension of InteractiveZoomView with reference to InteractiveZoomView.
let overlayZoomView = InteractiveZoomView(
sourceView: zoomView