AutoJudge is an optimized LLM-as-a-Judge eval implementation.
Simpler and more intuitive execution.
Runs completely standalone for use with scripted evals (eg, run after training)
Internal Database/Queue for resuming runs (useful when paying by the token)
High performance - vLLM with HF fallback with batching
Config support organized by evals, judges, and results (organized by runs, no overwriting of your results, easy PRs)
To install the required dependencies, run:
pip install packaging
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install the optional dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements-optional.txt
autojudge evaluate --model <model-path> --dataset <dataset-path> --output <output-path> --user <user>
autojudge config
To set up the development environment, run:
pip install -e .[dev]
- LLM-as-a-Judge Reliability Testing
- Sample 10% and run 10X
- Calculate violin graph of distribution
- PoLL