Libra a python based programming language
• It will read the raw input from the terminal and display it.
• Holds all the code of language.
o Error class: It handles all the error and display it to the user.
It returns a string/error which tells path of file in which error occurred, type of error and from which it occurs and line no. in which an error occurred.
o Position class: It tells index, column, line etc
Advance(): It moves the execution/Cursor to next character.
o Lexer class: It will go through input character by character and break them into list of tokens.
Make_tokens():It checks that the character is of which token type(=,-,*,/) and append it in tokens list(use else-if ladders).
Make_number(): It takes raw input and specify int or float and make it in integer format.
Ex:- Libra > 2 + 2 [INT:2, PLUS, INT:2] Libra > 2.52.5 [FLOAT:2.5, MUL, FLOAT:2.5] Libra > 77 d Illegal Character: 'd'
o Nodes: It tells us about factor, binary ops and unary ops
NumberNode: It works on factor.
BinOpNode: It works on binary operators
UnaryOpNode: It woks on Unary operators.
o ParseResult class: It returns the AST(Abstract Syntax Tree) which is created by parse the expression.
o Parser class: It recursively checks for expression, term and factor and parse it.
o Interpreter class: It runs and helps to get the desired result.
• grammar.txt: It specifies grammar which we used to parse the expressions or to write code.
• It helps to obtain where the error is came from.
• Power operator-> ‘^’
• [new]Modulo operator-> ‘%’
• Variable syntax: KEYWORD IDENTIFIER =
Var a = 5
• Conditional Statements : if,elsif,else
• From loop(for): KEYWORD:from IDENTIFIER EQ expr KEYWORD:to expr
(KEYWORD:step expr)? KEYWORD:then expr
• Until loop(while) : KEYWORD:until expr KEYWORD:then expr
• Continue: cont
• Break: brk
• Comments : !! !!
• len(): To get the length
• exec(): to run the program file