A one stop video streaming app for you to tune into a variety of melodies played on different instruments. Read on to know more.
To run this app in your local, clone this repository and navigate to the folder containing it and run the following commands.
npm install
npm start
- Auth
- #
- Login
- Logout
Guest login credentials - Email : adarshbalika@gmail.com , password : adarshbalika
- Has categories based on different types of song videos like piano, guitar or sitar covers. Clicking on any of these will lead you to the video listing page containing videos of only that category.
- This page shows all the videos available. Each video card has an option to add it to watch later or start watching now. This page also has an option to clear all categories if any are applied.
- Here the user can watch the video, with its details. User can also add the video to watchlater or to a playlist, or like it from here. User can also click on other recommended videos from the side to watch them.
- Shows all the videos added to watchlater. User can also remove videos from watchlater.
- Shows all the liked videos. User can also remove a video from liked videos.
- User can create a new playlist
- Add videos to an existing playlist (from the single video page)
- Remove videos from a playlist
- Delete an entire playlist
- Shows all videos user has watched. User can remove a single video from history or clear entire history.