👨🏼💻 Efim Shliamin, my certificate: https://www.udemy.com/certificate/UC-e388eb03-dbd9-4d0f-8a5f-fae8fe159697/
⚙️ Testing: right-click on the project and select "Coverage As" > "JUnit Test"
💡 We (can) use the Talend API Tester (Google Chrome extension) as a REST API client to invoke, discover and test HTTP and REST APIs:
- For /auth microservice:
POST http://localhost:8101/auth
Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"userId": "jane", "password": "pass1234"} or Body: {"userId": "maxime", "password": "pass1234"} ➡️ 200 + the unique token
In all other cases: ➡️ 401
- For /songsLists microservice:
POST http://localhost:8201/auth
Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"userId": "jane", "password": "pass1234"} or Body: {"userId": "maxime", "password": "pass1234"} ➡️ 200 + the unique token
In all other cases: ➡️ 401
Then use the unique token like this:
GET http://localhost:8201/songs
Accept: application/json
Authorisation: the unique token
Correct token? ➡️ 200 + list of songs, otherwise ➡️ 401
User holt sich die eigenen SongListen:
GET http://localhost:8201/songsLists?userId=maxime (
Accept: application/json
Authorisation: the unique token
➡️ 200 + list of songs for maxime
User holt sich die SongListen von einer anderen Nutzerin:
GET http://localhost:8201/songsLists?userId=jane (
Accept: application/json
Authorisation: the unique token
➡️ 200 + list of songs for jane
SongListen von nicht existirenden Nutzer:
GET http://localhost:8201/songsLists?userId=usergibtsnicht (
Accept: application/json
Authorisation: the unique token
➡️ 404
Important links:
/auth: http://localhost:8101/auth
/songs: http://localhost:8002/songs
/songsLists: http://localhost:8201/songsLists
Currency Exchange Service: http://localhost:8000/currency-exchange/from/USD/to/INR
Currency Conversion Services:
Eureka: http://localhost:8761/
💡 You can use the Talend API Tester (Google Chrome extension) as a REST API client to invoke, discover and test HTTP and REST APIs.
💡 We use Swagger for developing and describing RESTful APIs. Go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html to try.
💡 Content Negotiation: we use fasterxml for implementing support for XML.
💡 We use HAL Explorer for browsing and exploring HAL and HAL-FORMS-based RESTful Hypermedia APIs. Go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html to try.
Please go to https://github.com/shliamin/songsMS-spring-boot
💡 We use Eureka as a Registry/Discovery-Service. Go to http://localhost:8761/ to try.
💡 We use Zipkin as a a distributed tracing system. Go to http://localhost:9411/ to try.
💡 We use Docker.
Step-by-step solution: (provided by this course on Udemy)
Designing the REST API
Creating User Bean and UserDaoService (data access object)
Implementing the GET methods for User Resources
Implementing the POST method to create User Resources
Enhancing the POST method to return the correct HTTP status code (201)
Implementing Exception Handling - 404 - Resource Not Found
Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all Resources
Implementing the DELETE Method to delete a User Resource
Implementing Validations for REST API
Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger Documentation
Content Negotiation: Implementing support for XML
Internationalization for REST API
Versioning REST API - URI Versioning (http://localhost:8080/v1/person vs http://localhost:8080/v2/person)
Versioning REST API - Request Param, Header, Media Type (VersioningPersonController)
Implementing HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) for REST API
Implementing Static Filtering for REST API
Implementing Dynamic Filtering for REST API
Monitoring API with Spring Boot Actuator
Exploring APIs with Spring Boot HAL Explorer
Creating User Entity and some test data. Go to http://localhost:8080/h2-console
Enhancing REST API to connect to H2 using JPA and Hibernate
Creating Post Entity with Many To One Relationship with User Entity
Implementing a GET API to retrieve all Posts of a User
Implementing a POST API to create a Post for a User
Exploring JPA and Hibernate Queries for REST API
Connecting REST API to MySQL Database - Implementation
Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring Security
Enhancing Spring Security Configuration for Basic Authentication
Setting up Limits Microservice
Creating a hard-coded limits service
Enhance limits service - Get configuration from application props
Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server
Installing Git and Creating Local Git Repository
Debugging problems with Spring Cloud Config Server
Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git Repository
Connect Limits Service to Spring Cloud Config Server
Configuring Profiles for Limits Service
Debugging Guide for Microservices
Introduction to Currency Conversion & Exchange Microservices
Setting up Currency Exchange Microservice
URL and Response Structure for Currency Exchange Service
Create a simple hard-coded currency exchange service
Setting up Dynamic Port in the Response
Configure JPA and Initialized Data
Create a JPA Repository
Setting up Currency Conversion Microservice
Creating a service for currency conversion
Invoking Currency Exchange from Currency Conversion Microservice
Using Feign REST Client for Service Invocation
Understand Naming Server and Setting up Eureka Naming Server
Connect Currency Conversion & Currency Exchange Service
QuickStart by Importing Microservices
Load Balancing with Eureka, Feign & Spring Cloud LoadBalancer
Setting up Spring Cloud API Gateway
Enabling Discovery Locator with Eureka for Spring Cloud Gateway
Exploring Routes with Spring Cloud Gateway
Implementing Spring Cloud Gateway Logging Filter
Getting started with Circuit Breaker - Resilience4j
Playing with Resilience4j - Retry and Fallback Methods
Playing with Docker Images and Containers
Understanding Docker Architecture - Docker Client, Docker Engine
Launching Zipkin Container using Docker
Connecting Currency Exchange Microservice with Zipkin
Connecting Currency Conversion Microservice & API Gateway
Creating Container Images for Currency Exchange Microservice
Getting Started with Docker Compose
Running Eureka Naming Server with Docker Compose
Running Currency Conversion Microservice with Docker Compose
Running Spring Cloud API Gateway with Docker Compose
Running Zipkin with Docker Compose