This is a library management system/e-library built on flask framework.
Copy the repository in the local machine.
In the terminal , type
pip install -r requirements.txt
- After installing all the dependencies, type in the terminal
- Open a browser and type out the following url
- In the terminal, type
python -m flask --app main db migrate
- And to upgrade, type
python -m flask --app main db upgrade
It consists of the following featues:
- Registration of new user
- Login of admin and user
- Admin's ability to perform CRUD on sections and books.
- Admin's ability to issue/revoke book access of a user.
- Users' ability to issue and return books.
- Users' ability to purchase and download books.
- Users' ability to rate the books they have issued/purchased.
- Users' ability to delete their accounts.
- Paid version of the app to get access to text-to-speech version of the e-books.
- Search functionality for sections, books and author.
- Random selection of a book from all the books in the library.
- Flask - the main web framework
- Flask-Security-Too - to provide secure login, registration, authentication & Role based access
- bcrypt - to encrypt the password - used by flask-security-too
- zxcvbn - to check the password strength - used by flask-security-too
- bleach - HTML sanitizing library - used by flask-security-too
- Flask-Migrate - for db migration
- Flask-SQLAlchemy - for object-relational mapping
- Flask-WTF and WTForms - for form creation and validation
- pypdf - to read the pdf files
- gtts - to convert text to speech
- Flask-Restful - to create api
- requests - to send requests to the api
- matplotlib - to create graph
- jinja2 - template engine
- html and bootstrap (for css)
- sqlite - for persistent data storage
instance folder
has the sqlite database, library.sqlite3.migrations folder
has files for database migrations. More about it is here.application folder
contains the python files needed by the
has the ORM models of the database tables. More about it is
has the flask wtforms used in the
has all the setup configurations and initializations for the app and some functions used by other parts of the app.
controllers folder
has the controllers and api of the
has controllers related to the role of
has controllers related to the role of
has controllers that are not related to any specific
has APIs to get data for graph generation and to do CRUD operations on books & sections.
static folder
will contain the static files used in the app.books folder
will store the books' pdfs.sound folder
will store the books' text-to-speech sound files.thumbnail folder
will store the books' thumbnails.graph.png
for admin dashboard.
templates folder
contains the html templates for the app.admin folder
has templates related to the role of Admin.user folder
has templates related to the role of folder
has (overridden) templates used by Flask security. More about it is here.- Other templates for generic uses.
images folder
contains the images added to this readme
is the main python file that contains the run method of the app.requirements.txt
lists out the python modules that need to be installed to run this app.
- The default admin login credentials are username: librarian, email:, password: pass#word12 . This can be changed in file.
- The text-to-speech feature of the app reads the pdf file's text. However this might not be a perfect reading due some limitions of pdf text extraction.
- Internet connection is required for the bootstrap css and js files, some background images, password breach checking while registration and also for converting the text to speech as it uses Google-Text-To-Speech(gtts) module.
- Version 2 of the project can be found here. It is a Single Page Application with Vue.js for the front-end.