This project involves a comprehensive analysis of Netflix's movies and TV shows data using SQL. The goal is to extract valuable insights and answer various business questions based on the dataset. The following README provides a detailed account of the project's objectives, business problems, solutions, findings, and conclusions.
The data for this project is sourced from the Kaggle dataset: Dataset Link: Movies Dataset
show_id VARCHAR(5),
type VARCHAR(10),
title VARCHAR(250),
director VARCHAR(550),
casts VARCHAR(1050),
country VARCHAR(550),
date_added VARCHAR(55),
release_year INT,
rating VARCHAR(15),
duration VARCHAR(15),
listed_in VARCHAR(250),
description VARCHAR(550)
## Findings and Conclusion
- **Content Distribution:** The dataset contains a diverse range of movies and TV shows with varying ratings and genres.
- **Common Ratings:** Insights into the most common ratings provide an understanding of the content's target audience.
- **Geographical Insights:** The top countries and the average content releases by India highlight regional content distribution.
- **Content Categorization:** Categorizing content based on specific keywords helps in understanding the nature of content available on Netflix.
This analysis provides a comprehensive view of Netflix's content and can help inform content strategy and decision-making.