Type | Software | Depencencies | Comments |
WM | i3wm | A tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. | |
Shell | zsh | wget , lua |
zinit is the zsh plugin manager used |
StatusBar | i3status-rust | xbacklight |
A feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust. |
Terminal | urxvt | ||
Multiplexer | tmux | ||
Font | Fantasque Sans Nerd Font | ||
Font | Font Awesome 4 | ||
Editor | vim/neovim | python-neovim |
Editor | emacs | ripgrep , fd |
doom-emacs |
CVS | git | diff-so-fancy |
a perl script |
Files | nnn | ||
Video | mpv, vlc | ||
ScreenShot | Flameshot | ||
Notification | dunst |
Package | Depended by | Note |
wget |
zsh - zinit | |
fzf |
zsh(Aloxaf/fzf-tab) | |
lua |
zsh - skywind3000/z.lua | optional |
ripgrep |
vim, emacs | |
fd |
vim, emacs | |
diff-so-fancy |
git | |
xbacklight |
statusbar - i3status-rust | for laptop |
make |
vim - RRethy/vim-hexokinase | |
go |
vim - RRethy/vim-hexokinase | |
nodejs |
vim - neoclide/coc.nvim | |
python-neovim |
nvim | |
npm dockerfile-language-server-nodejs |
vim, emacs | Dokerfile |
npm bash-language-server |
vim, emacs | Shell |
python-jedi |
vim, emacs | Python |
OpenJDK | vim, emacs | Java |
Dotnet SDK | vim, emacs | C# |
i3status-rust | i3 |
- vim:
- emacs:
- vim:
- emacs:
npm i -g bash-language-server
- vim:
(ArchLinux) - emacs:
M-x lsp-install-server RET mspyls
- vim
- emacs:
(ArchLinux),Mx lsp-install-server RET jdtls
- vim
- emacs:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/shunlir/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
# or use the following command after clone
cd ~/.dotfiles && git submodule update --init --recursive
# install stow or xstow
cd .dotfiles/emacs/.config/doomemacs
# optionally pull doomemacs for doom upgrade
git pull
doom clean
doom sync
Run M-x nerd-icons-install-font
for new installation. (all-the-icons
is not used anymore)
Action | i3(Super) | Tmux(Alt) | Vim |
(windows) | (panes) | (windows) | |
Focus left | Super + h |
Alt + h |
Alt + h |
Focus Right | Super + l |
Alt + l |
Alt + l |
Focus Up | Super + k |
Alt + k |
Alt + k |
Focus Down | Super + j |
Alt + j |
Alt + j |
Focus Last | TODO | TODO | TODO |
Focus Next | TODO | TODO | TODO |
Focus Prev | TODO | TODO | TODO |
(workspaces) | (windows) | (tabs) | |
Focus #N | Super + #N |
Alt + #N |
#N g t (builtin) |
Move to #N | Super + Shift + #N |
Alt + Shift + #N |
TODO:Tabmerge plugin |
(current window) | (current panel) | (current window) | |
Fullscreen | Super + f |
Alt + f |
<Leader> w f |
Resize Left | <Super + r> h |
Alt + Shift + h |
Alt + Shift + h |
Resize Right | <Super + r> l |
Alt + Shift + l |
Alt + Shift + l |
Resize Up | <Super + r> k |
Alt + Shift + k |
Alt + Shift + k |
Reisze Down | <Super + r> j |
Alt + Shift + j |
Alt + Shift + j |
Move to Left | Super + Shift + left |
swap-panel -t <> | <Leader> w h |
Move to Right | Super + Shift + Right |
swap-panel -t <> | <Leader> w l |
Move to Up | Super + Shift + Up |
swap-panel -t <> | <Leader> w k |
Move to Down | Super + Shift + Down |
swap-panel -t <> | <Leader> w j |
Split v | Super + . |
Alt + . |
<Leader> w . |
Split h | Super + - |
Alt + - |
<Leader> w - |