git clone
cd AtlanScheduler/
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
to execute it
By default for the sake of solving the question and easy evaluation from your end, I launch 3 workers
GET /{userId}
Gets the tasks of user as JSON
Submits a task by the user
deletes a task by the user
See The Data Model and POSTMAN collection for details on how to send requests
Here is the button for postman collection for testing.
The Task Datatype is as follows
id: id of the task
uid: id of the user
status: status of the task queued/running/aborted/termination/succesful
task: identifier of the task to be used by worker object to identify handler
data: optional JSON data to pass to handler in worker
hook: webhook to trigger optionally in handler in worker
Each task name has a corresponding handler in worker identified by FunctionMapper Object
- The user submit a task using the POST request
- A task entry is created and the id is enqueued in the Global Shared Queue
- The Workers check the queue using a random scheme on a 10 second window
- Worker retrieves an id from Queue and updates the database entry to
- The workers invoke corresponding handler with data attribute passed to the them
- The handler processes the data
- While handler processes the data an exponentially increasing window strategy is used to check if user has aborted the task by checking a flag in the key value store
- If the user has aborted, the worker terminates the handler thread and updates DB entry
- Else task is successfully completed and DB is updated
- The System is expected to scale horizontally by increasing the worker containers. For the purpose of easy evaluation I have just added the worker project in the same repo, however it is trivial to see that it could be used in a separate docker image to extend the system horizontally