Form contains three different subsystems, basic form attributes, fields and actions.
import pform
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
class EditForm(pform.Form):
label = 'Edit form'
fields = pform.Fieldset(
'name', title='Name')
def safe_handler(self):
data, errors = self.extract()
if errors:
self.add_error_message(errors) = data['name']
def cancel_handler(self):
return HTTPFound(location='.')
This form renders one field name and two actions safe and cancel (submit buttons). Now we can render this form:
from pyramid.view import view_config
@view_config(route_name='....', renderer='myview.jinja2')
def my_view(request):
form = EditForm(some_context, request)
return form()
also it is possible to use form class as view:
class EditForm(pform.Form):
fields = ...
To do additional custom form initialization just override update method, also if update method returns dictionary this values bypasses to form template:
class EditForm(pform.Form):
def update(self):
# custom form initialization
return {some_data: some_value}
To get form values use extract method, this method return data and errors. data is a form result, errors is a list of errors:
class EditForm(pform.Form):
def save_handler(self):
data, errors = self.extract()
if errors:
# save data
There are two ways for field and form customization:
- Global customization
pform library uses player:: library for customization. pform libriary defines layer category form for all templates.
- Field/form customization
Also it is possible to customize widget of input template for each field. You can passtmpl_widget
argument to to field constructor for widget customization andtmpl_input
argument for input generation. Both arguments should be valid pyramid renderer path. Form accepts three different templates,tmpl_view
is form renderer,tmpl_actions
if form buttons renderer,tmpl_widget
is custom field widget renderer. If field does not use customtmpl_widget
then form automatically setstmpl_widget
for each of this fields.
There are several example. You can find them in the examples directory at github.
- Python 2.6+ or Python 3.2+
- virtualenv
pform is offered under the BSD license.