winsdks downloads:
the windows sdks ver must match at follow files
- build/toolchain/win/setup_toolchain.py
- build/config/win/BUILD.gn
- 10.0.19041.0:
- 10.0.20348.0:
- 10.0.22000.0:
- 10.0.22621.0:
- 10.0.19041.0:
- Add depot_tools to PATH
- IMPORTANT: Set DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 in your environment if you are not a Googler.
- Ensure your system only contains vc142 toolset, multi toolset will cause gn error: Can't find User32.lib
- Setup command
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle
cd angle
python scripts/bootstrap.py
gclient sync
git checkout master
- Use newer glfw, refer to: glfw/glfw#1718
#if !defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_WINDOWS_UWP) # if !ANGLE_SKIP_DXGI_1_2_CHECK { ANGLE_TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "Renderer11::initialize (DXGICheck)"); // In order to create a swap chain for an HWND owned by another process, DXGI 1.2 is // required. // The easiest way to check is to query for a IDXGIDevice2. bool requireDXGI1_2 = false; HWND hwnd = WindowFromDC(mDisplay->getNativeDisplayId()); if (hwnd) { DWORD currentProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); DWORD wndProcessId; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &wndProcessId); requireDXGI1_2 = (currentProcessId != wndProcessId); } else { requireDXGI1_2 = true; } if (requireDXGI1_2) { IDXGIDevice2 *dxgiDevice2 = nullptr; result = mDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice2), (void **)&dxgiDevice2); if (FAILED(result)) { return egl::EglNotInitialized(D3D11_INIT_INCOMPATIBLE_DXGI) << "DXGI 1.2 required to present to HWNDs owned by another process."; } SafeRelease(dxgiDevice2); } } # endif #endif
- Fallback to software render
if (result == E_INVALIDARG && mAvailableFeatureLevels.size() > 1u && mAvailableFeatureLevels[0] == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1) { // On older Windows platforms, D3D11.1 is not supported which returns E_INVALIDARG. // Try again without passing D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 in case we have other feature // levels to fall back on. mAvailableFeatureLevels.erase(mAvailableFeatureLevels.begin()); if (createD3D11on12Device) { result = callD3D11On12CreateDevice(D3D12CreateDevice, D3D11On12CreateDevice, false); } else { result = callD3D11CreateDevice(D3D11CreateDevice, false); } } // x-studio spec, fallback to software render driver and try again if (result == DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) { mRequestedDriverType = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP; result = callD3D11CreateDevice(D3D11CreateDevice, false); }