Here are some repositories to which I've made significant contributions
- JuliaLang/julia: Julia programming language. I've been a contributor since 2012, most of my contributions tend to focus on numerical aspects.
- CliMA/ClimaCore.jl: a framework for constructing spatial discretizations for Earth system models (ESMs), supporting distributed memory parallelism and GPUs.
- CliMA/GilbertCurves.jl: generalized Hilbert space-filling curves.
- CliMA/slurm-buildkite: a setup for running Buildkite on a Slurm cluster.
- JuliaGPU/NVTX.jl: Julia interface for Nvidia's NVTX instrumentation library, for use with Nvidia's Nsight Systems profiler.
- JuliaParallel/MPI.jl: Julia interface for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for distributed parallel computing. I've been the primary maintainer for the past few years.
- JuliaIO/HDF5.jl: Julia interface for reading and writing HDF5 files. I've been helping to refactor and add features such as MPI and virtual dataset support.
- JuliaMath/Quadmath.jl: interface to libquadmath, providing IEEE754 binary128 floating point format.
- JuliaStats/Distributions.jl: library of probability distributions and associated functions.
- JuliaStats/KernelDensity.jl: kernel density estimation.
- JuliaInterop/RCall.jl: for calling R from Julia
- JuliaInterop/MathLink.jl: for calling Mathematica/Wolfram Engine from Julia
- JuliaCI/BuildkiteUtils.jl: a collection of utilities for using Julia on Buildkite.
- JuliaLinearAlgebra/GenericLinearAlgebra.jl: linear algebra on generic numeric types. I implemented the singular value decomposition (SVD) which works with both high-precision types (e.g.
s), and even alternative number systems like quaternions. - JuliaComputing/Miletus.jl: a financial contract modeling language and # engine. Can be used to express complicated financial contracts, and compute their prices computed via exact analytic, Monte Carlo, or lattice-based (binomial tree) methods. This is an open source core library of a larger project.
- JuliaBerry/SenseHat.jl: library for interacting with the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT.