MNMN (read it as: Manamanà) is a side project that provides the summary of interesting articles around the web.
For now it is limited to a list of the best Hacker News articles every week, based on [this ranking] (
In the near future I plan to build a simple chrome extension to make reading the summary a one-click operation.
You can find the weekly summaries here.
Note that the name of the summaries is in the form of YYYY-WW (year, week).
If you like this project and want to donate with Bitcoin:
Bitcoin Address: 1NXxqnTNpvUPQQMkizBAYAGheqd3LiL3YX
You can see how much has been donated so far [here] (
[Simone Brunozzi] (
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) license. License details are available here.