This repository is a collection of wrappers used in the ReaxPro project. It holds wrappers for the Amsterdam Modeling Suite (AMS) and Zacros.
- Pablo Lopez-Tarifa (Main author). The Netherlands eScience Center.
- Matthias Büschelberger (Contributor). Fraunhofer Instituet for Mechanics of Materials (IWM)
- Joana Francisco Morgado (Contributor). Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM)
If you want to use this wrapper set, make sure you have installed:
- The Simphony OSP-core version > 3.8.0.
- The ReaxPro ontology.
- For AMS users, a licensed copy of AMS installed.
- For Zacros users, both a licensed copy of Zacros code and pyZacros library installed.
A wrapper is a piece of code that slightly modifies the behavior of a function.
The ReaxPro wrappers are built around the running functions of the above-mentioned software. Their main task is to translate (map) the semantic script provided by the user to the terms that are understood by the engines.
For a given engine XXX, there is a folder reaxpro-wrappers/osp/wrappers/simXXX/ containing the Simphony wrapper session that will trigger the job execution.
In the folder reaxpro-wrappers/osp/tools is placed all the tooling for the semantic to syntactic mapping.
First of all, you will need to install OSP-core, plams, AdaptiveDesignProcedure and pyZacros (all except osp-core are not on PyPI yet unfortunately):
(env) user@computer:~/reaxpro-wrappers$ pip install osp-core git+
Then, finally install the wrapper. Simply type:
(env) user@computer:~/reaxpro-wrappers$ pip install reaxpro-wrappers
... or when the code is cloned from source:
(env) user@computer:~/reaxpro-wrappers$ pip install .
This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0/BSD 3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Copyright (c) 2014-2023, Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. acting on behalf of its Fraunhofer IWM.