A practical guide to timing attacks for the every day web dev.
Read the full blog post that accompanies this repo here: https://www.simplethread.com/great-scott-timing-attack-demo/
docker build -t great_scott .
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name great_scott great_scott
docker exec -i -t great_scott /bin/bash
# Cleanup when done
docker stop great_scott && docker rm great_scott
Access web server on localhost:3000
OR install dependencies directly...
- Install ruby 2.5.1. If using rbenv then
rbenv install 2.5.1
- Install bundler.
gem install bundler
- Install dependencies for this application:
bundle install
- Run server and access it on localhost:3000
bundle exec rails s
Credentials to # as admin: Username: admin@account.com Password: Password123!
These scripts are setup around the starting seed data:
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:setup
bundle exec ruby hackz0r/basic_compare.rb
bundle exec ruby hackz0r/find_digits.rb
bundle exec ruby hackz0r/coup_de_grace.rb