Stupid-fast plain-text Zettelkasten (zk
) built for (terminal) nerds. Heavily
featuring fzf
, ripgrep
, bat
, and sqlite
The goal of the zk
repository is to collect scripts and configurations for
other plain-text Zettelkasten users.
Note: This is an on-going extraction from my local environment, but has the
utilities I use by far the most often. I can almost guarantee you you're going
to run into a stacktrace somewhere because of some utility that isn't installed,
etc. Please open PRs/issues if it's not working, or you have questions,
concerns, comments. I'd also love contributions of scripts to bin/
, such as
showing related notes, polish to search, Vim configs, etc.
If you are looking for something slightly more complete that retains the Markdown-nature, you should take a look at Obsidian. After switching note-taking system every year for years, I am no longer interested in custom software and will stick to time-tested utilities.
In this screenshot
, we have zks
running in the top-right, zkt
in the
bottom-right, and vim
in the left pane. zk
can be used without tmux
, but
it's recommended to use tmux
The scripts assumes $ZK_PATH
is set to your Zettelkasten directory. Your
Zettelkasten are markdown files in this directory. Nesting is presently not
supported. Each note must have a 12-number prefix (date note was created), e.g.
202005050837 Monkey
. It's recommended to do some kind of backup,
e.g. Dropbox/iCloud/...
Your zk
Zettelkasten is designed to be edited with your favourite editor.
Currently zk
only supports Vim natively. zk
augments your editor with
various scripts to help extract further value.
. Open vim
in the left pane, and zks
in the right pane. Your
. fzf
-enabled full-text search (top-right pane in screenshot above) over
all your notes, using sqlite
. The index updates automatically based on file
modification. See the FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS
below for various key-bindings you can
use to open splits in Vim, copy to clipboard, etc. directly from here. Alt-S
will find similar notes with zksim
. Finds similar notes to the note passed as an argument. See #1 for
. fzf
-enabled tag browser. Pressing enter on a tag will show you notes
with that tag. notes, using sqlite
below for
various key-bindings you can use to open splits, copy to clipboard, etc.
directly from here.
. Raw list of tags sorted by totals. Useful for other analysis. Used by
. Create a new note, with an appropriate prefix.
. Given a file, downloads/copies the markdown images to media/
. Adds back-links to each note. I.e., if A links to B, but B
doesn't link to A, then it'll append Backlink: [[A]]
to B.
. Finds tags related to the ones in the passed file. You can
pass -t
to see a tree of tags.
Clone zk
and add bin/
to your $PATH
$ git clone ~/zk
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/zk/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export ZK_PATH="$HOME/Zettelkasten"' >> ~/.bashrc
Install the dependencies with your package manager.
# brew install ripgrep fzf sqlite3 bat
# gem install sqlite3
and ruby-dev
are needed to install the sqlite3 gem. For exampleβon Debian/Ubuntu, run:
# apt install ripgrep fzf sqlite3 bat build-essential libsqlite3-dev ruby ruby-dev
# gem install sqlite3
For Vim, browse through my Vim config
this to add a
, shortcut for tags, auto-completing other notes after typing [[
, etc.
Another function to look at is :GPT
, which will take your range and send it to
GPT3 for completion. Very cool for a perspective! One day this'll be a plugin
that's easier to install.
If you're using fzf
with vim
, it's recommended to add this to your bash
configuration. It adds super useful key-bindings to open files in splits
) from zkt
and zks
directly. It also adds Ctrl-O
insert the file-name of whatever you're hovering into Vim, which is handy for
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height=40% --multi --tiebreak=begin \
--bind 'ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo {} | pbcopy)' \
--bind 'alt-down:preview-down,alt-up:preview-up' \
--bind \"ctrl-v:execute-silent[ \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} Escape :vs Space && \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} -l {} && \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} Enter \
--bind \"ctrl-x:execute-silent[ \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} Escape :sp Space && \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} -l {} && \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} Enter \
--bind \"ctrl-o:execute-silent[ \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} Escape :read Space ! Space echo Space && \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} -l \\\"{}\\\" && \
tmux send-keys -t \{left\} Enter \
I recommend storing the notes in iCloud/Google Drive/Dropbox or whatever you use to normally sync files. Nice and simple. Some people store them in Git.