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SI-Toolkit Utility for Spring Boot Rest Security

SI-Toolkit Utility for Spring Boot Rest Security (SBRS) is a Java libary for REST applictions using Spring Boot and Spring Security.

How Does It Work ?

To explain the SBRS behavior, we provide a sample REST application. You can run it with the following commands.

# Download the sample REST application
curl -o sample-app.jar

# Run
java -jar sample-app.jar

# Login with HTTP POST
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"loginId\":\"admin\", \"password\":\"password\"}" localhost:8080/auth/#

The response body of POST includes a security token.

{ "loginId": "admin", "token": "xxxxxx", "success": true }

Copy the token value and request GET with it.

curl -H "Authorization:Bearer xxxxxx" localhost:8080/auth/me

Then you can get a response includes login user data.

{ "loginId": "admin", "roles": ["ADMINS", "USERS"], "ext": { "name": "Administrator" } }

When your registry type is db, you can create new account and change password. In sample-app, notification is sent by email. You will receive the mail with FakeSMTP.

# Run FakeSMTP
curl -o fakesmtp.jar
java -jar fakesmtp.jar -s -p 1025

Create new account with the following commands.

# Create new account with HTTP POST
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"loginId\":\"newuser\", \"notifyTo\":\"\", \"ext\":{}}" localhost:8080/account/create

# Activate new account with HTTP POST
# Replace "xxxxxx" with the activate code of mail recieved by FakeSMTP
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"loginId\":\"newuser\", \"activateCode\":\"xxxxxx\", \"password\":\"password\", \"ext\": {\"name\": \"NewUser\", \"roles\": \"USERS\" }}" localhost:8080/account/activate

# Login with HTTP POST
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"loginId\":\"newuser\", \"password\":\"password\"}" localhost:8080/auth/#

# Get new account's user data with HTTP GET
# Replace "xxxxxx" with the security token of login response
curl -H "Authorization:Bearer xxxxxx" localhost:8080/auth/me

Change password with the following commands.

# Reset password with HTTP POST
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"notifyTo\":\"\", \"ext\":{}}" localhost:8080/account/resetPassword

# Activate new account with HTTP POST
# Replace "xxxxxx" with the parameter at the end of URL in email received by FakeSMTP
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"newPassword\":\"new-password\"}" localhost:8080/account/changePassword/xxxxxxx

# Login with new password
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"loginId\":\"newuser\", \"password\":\"new-password\"}" localhost:8080/auth/#

This sample application is build from this project.

How To Use In Your Project

SBRS is a Java library published in Maven repository, you can use it in Maven / Gradle project. SBRS supports thease 2 types of user registory.

  • DB
  • LDAP

Usage for DB User Registory

Step 1 : Add Dependneces

Add dependency of sit-util-sbrs-core.


Step 2: Add Property

Add property specifying user registory type to


When send notification by mail, add the follows.

# Definition to send mail

# Password change url
# Add ResetID to end of URL when notifying

# Your SMTP server's information

# Send mail information
sit.sbrs.mail.notification.activateSubject=Notify activate code
sit.sbrs.mail.notification.resetPasswordSubject=Reset password

# Not required, default is "[Classpath]/template".
# When you want to change template path, specify this property.
# e.g. specify "mailtemplate", store template in "[Classpath]/mailtemplate".

Mail template is format of thymeleaf template.
Text format of extension ".txt" is mandatory, HTML format of extension ".html" is optional.
See sample's template for more information.

When you want to replace other than sample's variables, specify it in "ext" of request parameter.

Step3: Add Configuration

Import SbrsConfiguration to your spring boot application.

import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.SbrsConfiguration;

public class SampleApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Step 4: Implement Java Classes

The sample app uses JPA as db access framework, Repository and Entity classes are as follows.

  • UserRepository
    Create a Repository class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.AccountRepository.
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.AccountRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public interface UserRepository extends AccountRepository<UserEntity> {}
  • UserEntity
    Create a Entity class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.AccountEntity.
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.AccountEntity;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class UserEntity implements AccountEntity {

  // Member of AccountEntity's getter methods
  @Id private String id;
  private String password;
  private String mailAddress;
  private String roles;
  private String resetId;

  // Your columns
  private String name;
  • TmpUserRepository
    Create a Repository class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.TmpUserRepository.
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.TmpAccountRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public interface TmpUserRepository extends TmpAccountRepository<TmpUserEntity> {}
  • TmpUserEntity Create a Entity class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.TmpAccountEntity.
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.TmpAccountEntity;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class TmpUserEntity implements TmpAccountEntity {
  // Member of TmpAccountEntity's getter methods
  @Id private String id;
  private String activateCode;
  private String mailAddress;
  • EmailControlRepository
    Create a Repository class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.EmailRepository.
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.EmailRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public interface EmailControlRepository extends EmailRepository<EmailControlEntity> {}
  • EmailControlEntity Create a Entity class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.EmailEntity.
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.EmailEntity;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class EmailControlEntity implements EmailEntity {
  // Member of EmailEntity's getter methods
  @Id private String id;
  // ※Depending on the RDB used, escaping of 'FROM' and 'TO' columns may be required.
  private String from;
  private String to;
  private String subject;
  private String textMessage;
  private String htmlMessage;
  private String mimeType;
  private String sendStatus;

Create a class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.TokenConverter.

import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.LoginUser;
import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.TokenConverter;

public class TokenConverterDbImpl implements TokenConverter<LoginUser<UserEntity>> {

   *  Convertion from UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername result
   *  to "ext" property of /auth/me response body.
  public Map<String, String> toTokenExt(LoginUser<UserEntity> principal) {
    Map<String, String> ext = new HashMap<>();
    ext.put("name", principal.getEntity().getName());
    return ext;

   * Conversion from the token data in request header
   * to a object used in RestControllers and other backend java classes.
  public LoginUser<UserEntity> toPrincipal(
      String loginId, List<String> roles, Map<String, String> ext) {
    UserEntity entity = new UserEntity();
    return new LoginUser<>(loginId, entity, roles);

You can use the result object of TokenConverter.toPrincipal in your RestController with @AuthenticationPrincipal.


public class SampleController {

  public String user(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserDetails loginUser) {

    return "user";

Create a class which implements io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.UrlAuthorizationConfigurer to define url patterns which need authentication and authorization.

If you want to learn how to use "registory" (the argument of configure method), see the original spring security guide

import io.sitoolkit.util.sbrs.UrlAuthorizationConfigurer;

public class SampleUrlAuthorizationConfigurer implements UrlAuthorizationConfigurer {

  public ExpressionUrlAuthorizationConfigurer<HttpSecurity>.ExpressionInterceptUrlRegistry
              registory) {

    return registory
        .antMatchers("/auth/**", "/account/**")


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