This is my Honours Project for my BSc Computing Science at the University of Aberdeen
64-bit Linux/Ubuntu machine 15GB RAM
- Python 2.7 or higher 2.x version
- Python 3.5 or higher 3.x version
- OpenKE 1 - no need to download this as it comes as a part of the project files
- KnowledgeStream 2 - no need to download this either as it comes as a part of the project files too. However, you will need to download the original KnowledgeStream test data 3 if you intend to use it.
- Stanford CoreNLP
- MongoDB
- Python packages
- pip and pip3 or easy_install - for installing new packages
- pandas
- numpy
- sklearn
- requests
- bs4
- pymongo
- nltk
- pycorenlp
- neuralcoref
Start your mongoDB instance with parameters
mongod –nojournal –dbpath /path/to/mongo
replacing /path/to/mongo with the path where you have installed mongod -
Navigate to the folder where you have installed CoreNLP. Start the CoreNLP server with the command
java -mx8g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -annotators "tok-
enize,ssplit,pos,lemma,parse,sentiment" -port 9000 -timeout 30000
You can replace the number in -mx8g by a lower or higher one depending on the power of the RAM available on your maching. Keep in mind that anything below 4 will require a long time to start the server.
- Navigate to the main project folder and start the system with