emotion analytics
This project was done for University Exhibition.A web interface was developed for this.
The problem was basically to do analytics on a group image. This has tremendous applications in the field of analytics. The problem was divided into 4 tasks
- Extract the faces.
- Recognition of faces. If the face is there in Database, do nothing. Else add to Database along with other relevent info like age,gender,etc from the user.
- Recognize emotions on each face using the CNN model
- Plot graphs of emotions, age, gender,etc (if there in database )
So the add_imgdb.py,recognition.py,recog_extract.py,face_detect_extract.py are for adding images to database, recognize faces, extract faces and detect faces respectively. Graph.py is used to plot various graphs.
The emotion_analysis.py file is the one which loads the model and analyzes the emotions and plots the emotion graph. The emotion_model_train.py trains a CNN which inturn is used to detect emotions in the face.
To start training the model, run the command python emotion_model_train.py .
A model.h5 file is created. This model is loaded by the emotion_analysis.py to do the analysis part