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Choosing content and style

Gary Boodhoo edited this page Apr 27, 2018 · 17 revisions

In order to choose different content and style images we must edit the script found in your Desktop user folder. After editing the script, we'll upload the file to your remote user folder, where it will overwrite the script we ran to create our first images.

Open the script in a text editor


Right-click on and hover over Open With to see what applications can open this file

  • If you don't have a preferred text editor, open the script with


Select then Right-click > Open With to see what applications can open this file.

  • A list of available applications opens
  • Click More Apps to expand the list
  • If you don't already have a preferred text editor, open the script with Notepad

Change the Content Image

Review the images in the pictures folder inside your user folder on the Desktop and make note of the file names (the script uses content-1.jpg as the default content image)

  1. Choose a different image to replace the default.
  1. Look for the lines in the script stating:
# Replace this with the filename of your content image
  1. Replace the default file name with the new file name. For example, if the file name of the replacement image is content-2.jpg, you would type:
# Replace this with the filename of your content image
  1. Save the file. This will overwrite the previous version.

Upload the edited script to the server with FileZilla

The change you made to the script is still in your Desktop user folder. You need to upload this script to the server so that when you run the script it will use the new content image.

  1. Confirm that FileZilla's right-panel is showing your user folder
  2. Drag the script from your Desktop user folder into any empty part of the lower-right panel
  3. FileZilla will alert you that the Target file already exists
  4. Click OK to overwrite the file


  1. Click anywhere inside the Terminal window to make it active
  2. Press the Up-Arrow key on your keyboard to automatically enter the previous command. The Terminal window displays:
  1. Press Enter


The rendering process starts again. When it completes, go back to FileZilla

  1. In the right-panel click on your user folder
  2. Press the F5 key to refresh the file listing
    • The recent rendering job created a new output folder, named ##-temp
    • everytime you start a rendering job, a new ##-temp folder is created, where ## will be some value like 01, 02, 03, etc...
  3. Select the ##-temp folder
  4. Right-click > Download the ##-temp folder to your Desktop

Repeat the process with a new style image

Continue working with the script previously opened in your Text Editor. This time, choose a different style image and replace the appropriate file name in the script (the default content image is named style-basket.jpg)

Choosing content and style completed

You are now ready to Change the parameters