rafka-rb is a Ruby client library for Rafka, providing Consumer and Producer implementations with simple semantics.
Refer to the API documentation for more information.
- Consumer
- consumer groups
- support for consuming in batches
- offsets may be managed automatically or manually
- Producer
- support for partition hashing key
Install rafka-rb:
$ gem install rafka
If you're using Bundler, add it to your Gemfile:
gem "rafka"
and run bundle install
producer = Rafka::Producer.new(host: "localhost", port: 6380)
producer.produce("greetings", "Hello there!")
Refer to the Producer API documentation for more information.
consumer = Rafka::Consumer.new(topic: "greetings", group: "myapp")
msg = consumer.consume
msg.value # => "Hello there!"
# with a block
consumer.consume { |msg| puts "Received: #{msg.value}" } # => "Hello there!"
Offsets are managed automatically by default. If you need more control you can turn off the feature and manually commit offsets:
consumer = Rafka::Consumer.new(topic: "greetings", group: "myapp", auto_commit: false)
# commit a single offset
msg = consumer.consume
consumer.commit(msg) # => true
# or commit a bunch of offsets
msg1 = consumer.consume
msg2 = consumer.consume
consumer.commit(msg1, msg2) # => true
Consumers may also set their own custom librdkafka configuration:
consumer = Rafka::Consumer.new(
topic: "greetings", group: "myapp", librdkafka: { "auto.offset.reset" => "earliest" }
Refer to the Consumer API documentation for more information.
Running Rubocop:
$ bundle exec rake rubocop
Unit tests run as follows:
$ bundle exec rake test
rafka-rb is indirectly tested by Rafka's end-to-end tests.
rafka-rb is released under the GNU General Public License version 3. See COPYING.