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Gather Prometheus metrics from endpoints deployed across multiple clusters


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Multi-cluster Prometheus Metrics Gathering Demo

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy metric generators across multiple Kubernetes clusters that are located in different public and private cloud providers and to additionally deploy the Prometheus monitoring system to gather metrics across multiple clusters, discovering the endpoints to be scraped dynamically, as soon as services are exposed through the Skupper Virtual Application Network.

In this tutorial, you will create a Virtual Application Network that enables communications across the public and private clusters. You will then deploy the metric generators and Prometheus server to individual clusters. You will then access the Prometheus server Web UI to browse targets, query and graph the collected metrics.

Top complete this tutorial, do the following:


The basis for this demonstration is to emulate the distribution of application services across both private and public clusters and for the ability to gather generated metrics across a Virtual Application Network. As an example, the cluster deployment might be comprised of:

  • A private cloud cluster running on your local machine
  • Two public cloud clusters running in public cloud providers

While the detailed steps are not included here, this demonstration can alternatively be performed with three separate namespaces on a single cluster.

Step 1: Set up the demo

  1. On your local machine, make a directory for this tutorial and clone the example repo:

    mkdir ~/prom-demo
    cd ~/prom-demo
    git clone
  2. Prepare the target clusters.

    1. On your local machine, log in to each cluster in a separate terminal session.
    2. In each cluster, create a namespace to use for the demo.
      1. The namespaces to be created are: public1, public2 and private1.
    3. In each cluster, set the kubectl config context to use the demo namespace (see kubectl cheat sheet for more information)
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace <namespace>

Step 2: Deploy the Virtual Application Network

On each cluster, using the skupper tool, define the Virtual Application Network and the connectivity for the peer clusters.

  1. In the terminal for the first public cluster (namespace: public1), deploy the public1 application router. Create a connection token for connections from the peer clusters.

    kubectl create namespace public1
    skupper init --site-name public1
    skupper token create public1-token.yaml --uses 2
  2. In the terminal for the second public cluster (namespace: public2), deploy the public2 application router, create a connection token for connections from the peer clusters and link to the public1 cluster:

    kubectl create namespace public2
    skupper init --site-name public2
    skupper token create public2-token.yaml
    skupper link create public1-token.yaml
  3. In the terminal for the private cluster (namespace: private1), deploy the private1 application router and create its links to the public1 and public2 clusters

    kubectl create namespace private1
    skupper init --site-name private1
    skupper link create public1-token.yaml
    skupper link create public2-token.yaml
  4. In each of the cluster terminals, verify connectivity has been established

    skupper link status

Step 3: Deploy the Metrics Generators

After creating the Virtual Application Network, deploy the Metrics Generators on one of the public clusters and the private cluster.

  1. In the terminal for the private1 cluster, deploy the first metrics generator (a):

    kubectl apply -f ~/prom-demo/skupper-example-prometheus/metrics-deployment-a.yaml
  2. In the terminal for the public1 cluster, deploy the second metrics generator (b):

    kubectl apply -f ~/prom-demo/skupper-example-prometheus/metrics-deployment-b.yaml

Step 4: Deploy the Prometheus server

  1. In the terminal for the public2 cluster, deploy the Prometheus server:

    NOTE: In case you are not using public2 as the namespace for your public2 cluster, you must update the namespace defined in prometheus-deployment.yaml from public2 to your namespace name.

    kubectl apply -f ~/prom-demo/skupper-example-prometheus/prometheus-deployment.yaml

Step 5: Expose the Metrics Deployments to the Virtual Application Network

  1. In the terminal for the private1 cluster, expose the first metrics generator (a) deployment:

    skupper expose deployment metrics-a --address metrics-a --port 8080 --protocol tcp --target-port 8080
    skupper service label metrics-a app=metrics
  2. In the terminal for the public1 cluster, expose the second metrics generator (b) deployment:

    skupper expose deployment metrics-b --address metrics-b --port 8080 --protocol tcp --target-port 8080
    skupper service label metrics-b app=metrics

Step 6: Access the Prometheus Web UI

  1. In the terminal for the public2 cluster, expose the Prometheus server:

    skupper expose deployment prometheus --address prometheus --port 9090 --protocol http --target-port 9090
  2. In the terminal for the private1 cluser, start a firefox browser and access the Prometheus UI

    /usr/bin/firefox --new-window  "http://$(kubectl get service prometheus -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'):9090/"
  3. In the Prometheus UI, navigate to Status->Targets and verify that the metric endpoints are in the UP state

  4. In the Prometheus UI, navigate to the Graph tab and insert the following expression to execute

    avg(rate(rpc_durations_seconds_count[1m])) by (job, service)

Observe the metrics data in either the Console or Graph view provided in the UI.

Cleaning Up

Restore your cluster environment by returning the resources created in the demonstration. On each cluster, delete the demo resources and the skupper network:

  1. In the terminal for the private1 cluster, delete the resources:

    skupper unexpose deployment metrics-a
    kubectl delete -f ~/prom-demo/skupper-example-prometheus/metrics-deployment-a.yaml
    skupper delete
    kubectl delete ns private1
  2. In the terminal for the public1 cluster, delete the resources:

    skupper unexpose deployment metrics-b
    kubectl delete -f ~/prom-demo/skupper-example-prometheus/metrics-deployment-b.yaml
    skupper delete
    kubectl delete ns public1
  3. In the terminal for the public2 cluster, delete the resources:

    skupper unexpose deployment prometheus
    kubectl delete -f ~/prom-demo/skupper-example-prometheus/prometheus-deployment.yaml
    skupper delete
    kubectl delete ns public2

Next Steps


Gather Prometheus metrics from endpoints deployed across multiple clusters








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