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Connect multiple Fab-managers to share projects documentation


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Setup a development environment

  1. Install RVM, with the ruby version specified in the .ruby-version file. For more details about the process, please read the official RVM documentation

2.Install docker and docker-compose. Your system may provide a pre-packaged version of docker in its repositories, but this version may be outdated. Please refer to the official docker documentation to set up a recent version of docker.

  1. Add your current user to the docker group, to allow using docker without sudo.

    # add the docker group if it doesn't already exist
    sudo groupadd docker
    # add the current user to the docker group
    sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
    # restart to validate changes
    sudo reboot
  2. Retrieve the project from Git

    git clone
  3. Move into the project directory and install the docker-based dependencies.

    ⚠ If you are using Mac OS X, you must first edit the docker-compose.yml to use port binding instead of ip-based binding. This can be achieved by uncommenting the "port" directives and commenting the "networks" directives in the docker-compose.yml file. The hosts file must be modified too, accordingly.

    ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space In this case, you must modify the /etc/hosts and docker-compose.yml files to change the network from 172.19.y.z to 172.x.y.z, where x is a new unused network.

    cd openlab-projects
    cd .docker
    cat hosts | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
    docker-compose up -d
    cd -
  4. Init the RVM instance and check it's correctly configured

    rvm current | grep -q `cat .ruby-version`@openlab && echo "ok"
    # Must print ok, otherwise try "rvm use"
  5. Install bundler in the current RVM gemset

    gem install bundler
  6. Install the required ruby gems

    bundle install
  7. Create the default configuration file

    cp config/database.yml.default config/database.yml
  8. Build the databases.

🛈 Please note: Your password length must be between 8 and 72 characters, otherwise db:setup will be rejected. This is configured in config/initializers/devise.rb

ADMIN_EMAIL='youradminemail' ADMIN_PASSWORD='youradminpassword' rails db:setup
  1. Create the pids folder used by Sidekiq. If you want to use a different location, you can configure it in config/sidekiq.yml
mkdir -p tmp/pids
  1. Start the development web server
foreman s
  1. You should now be able to access your local development Fab-manager instance by accessing http://localhost:3300 in your web browser.

  2. You can log in as the default administrator using the credentials defined previously.


Access http://localhost:3300/letter_opener to see the emails received. This interface is available only in development.

prod env

We use docker-compose to run the app in production. See docker/ for more details.

mkdir -p /apps/openlab-projects/config/nginx/ssl
cd /apps/openlab-projects
curl -sSL > docker-compose.yml
curl -sSL > config/env
curl -sSL > config/nginx/nginx.conf
docker-compose pull
  • Build the certificate with let's encrypt or copy an existing one on the server folder.
  • Change the docker-compose.yml file accordingly to bind the certificate directory to the nginx service.
  • Change the nginx configuration to use the certificate.
curl -sSL > config/nginx/nginx.conf
  • Restart nginx

If any asset has changed, recompile them

rm -rf public/assets/
docker-compose run --rm openlab-projects bundle exec rake assets:precompile

If the database has changed (migration) or any other change occurred, run the specific commands like the "asset precompile" one (eg. bundle exec rake db:migrate).

Finally, restart the container

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d


to run the test suite:

bundle exec rails test

Migrate from elastic to pg

  • go on old server with old app code (with elastic)
  • open rails c
  • run
File.write("#{Rails.root}/_____CHEMIN____/projects.yml", YAML.dump(
  • save the file in some place
  • upgrades openlab app
  • enter in the container
  • create folder data
  • move the projects.yml into /app/data
  • run rails openlab:projects:import_from_yml_dump task
  • open rails console and check that everything is OK
  • remove file