This repository includes notebook tutorials in the Seismic Laboratory for Image and Modeling (SLIM) group.
If you don't want to manually install Julia or the Julia packages used in this repository, you can also run these tutorials on a docker image. You can execute the following command in your terminal:
docker run -p 8888:8888 mloubout/judi:1.7-dev
This command downloads the image and launches a container. You will see a link that you can copy-paste to your browser to access the notebooks. Alternatively, you can run a bash session, in which you can start a regular interactive Julia session and run the example scripts. You can download/start the container as a bash session via the following command:
docker run -it mloubout/judi:1.7-dev /bin/bash
For any package missing in the notebooks, you can add an extra cell at the top to install the missing package:
using Pkg
Pkg.add(["Pkg1", "Pkg2", ...])
where Pkg1, Pkg2, ..
are the names of the packages to be installed.
Some of the notebook require data. To download the data run
curl -L -o
unzip -d path/to/data/you/want
and modify the data loading lines in the notebook according to the new path of the data folder.
This set of tutorials has been presented in
Julia for Geoscience in TRANSFORM 2022 conference --- recording can be found here
ML4Seismic 2021 Partners Meeting
The software used in this repository can be modified and redistributed according to MIT license.
SLIM Group @ Georgia Institute of Technology,
SLIM public GitHub account,