Code to partially reproduce results in Deep Bayesian inference for seismic imaging with tasks.
For further development and to run the examples, clone the repository
and install the package in editable mode. Make sure to adapt CUDA
version in setup.cfg
to the one installed on your system by specifying
in as torch-cuda==XY.Z
# Create a new conda environment.
conda create --name dp4imaging "python<=3.11"
conda activate dp4imaging
# Clone the repository and install the package in editable mode.
git clone
cd dp4imaging/
pip install -e .
After the above steps, you can run the example scripts by just
activating the environment, i.e., conda activate dp4imaging
, the
following times.
To run the Parihaka example, execute the following.
python scripts/
Please contact for questions.
Ali Siahkoohi