Releases: smallrye/smallrye-config
Releases · smallrye/smallrye-config
- #1317 Release 3.12.0
- #1316 Revert "Add new method isEnabled to ConfigSourceInterceptor (#1311)"
- #1315 Try indexed names on injection when non indexed value is null
- #1314 Compute indexed properties when building the list of PropertyNames
- #1313 Keep properties from ConfigMapping implementation
- #1312 Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
- #1311 Add new method isEnabled to ConfigSourceInterceptor
- #1310 Add API in the builder to register a mapping instance
- #1309 Cache MethodHandles to construct and get defaults from the mapping implementation
- #1308 Slight optimization when populating the DefaultValuesConfigSource
- #1306 Add a way for ConfigClass to also carry and load defaults from a config mapping class
- #1304 Ignore default methods inherited from super classes in mappings
- #1303 Skip profile lookup if System, Env, Properties and Default sources do not contain a profile property name
- #1297 Bump io.smallrye:smallrye-parent from 46 to 47
- #1302 Release 3.11.2
- #1301 Use config ordinal to determine which config style to use when injecting a list, between comma-separated and indexed
- #1300 Avoid creating a copy of SystemProperties just to look for the
- #1299 Propagate profiles in ConfigurableConfigSourceFactory
- #1298 PropertyName equals match similar name if only first letter differs
- #1293 Use StringBuilder instead of String concat for startup code
- #1288 Release 3.11.0
- #1287 Move to Java 17
- #1286 Use static method to create object for leaf properties
- #1285 Add an equals by region to PropertyName
- #1284 Builtin Converters for
- #1283 Avoid new HashSet allocation if there are no secrets
- #1282 Cache the profile converter in ProfileConfigSourceInterceptor
- #1281 Cache hashCode of PropertyName
- #1280 Use
for iterating over values - #1279 Avoid using lambda in PropertiesConfigSource
- #1275 Use
when creating a ConfigMapping object - #1274 Replace streams with for loop in customizers handling
- #1273 Generate properties names with defaults in mapping class
- #1272 fix: avoid out of range error with long profile names
- #1271 Bump dependency.version.openwebbeans from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
- #1270 check duplicate keys
- #1268 Source names as constants
- #1267 Match most specific mapping prefix when matching environment variables
- #1266 Use config ordinal to determine which config style to use when populating list, between comma-separated and indexed
- #1265 Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0
- #1264 Validate mappings on creation instead of on lookup
- #1263 Improve reportUnknown allocations
- #1262 Public getter for ConfigValue#problems
- #1261 Remove deprecated providers
- #1260 Remove deprecated ConfigMappings#mappedProperties
- #1252 Release 3.10.1
- #1251 Validate mapping annotation only in SmallRyeConfigBuilder
- #1250 Reduce allocations when generating default names
- #1248 fix #1246: honor ConfigProperties.UNCONFIGURED_PREFIX again
- #1247 Remove ConfigValuePropertiesConfigSource from docs
- #1245 Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0
- #1244 Release 3.10.0
- #1243 Release 3.10.0
- #1242 Bump version.curator from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1
- #1240 Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.20 to 2.0.21
- #1239 Add @ConfigMapping beanStyleGetter to enable / disable bean style getter names matching with configuration names
- #1237 Bump org.ow2.asm:asm from 9.7 to 9.7.1
- #1236 Rename ConfigClassWithPrefix to ConfigClass and use it in SmallRyeConfigBuilder
- #1235 Bump version.smallrye.testing from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1
- #1234 Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.4.0 to 2.7.0
- #1233 Split release into two workflows
- #1231 Slight optimization when looking up System properties
- #1229 Bump io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin from 0.45.0 to 0.45.1
- #1226 Move local classes to inner to reduce the number of classes in the main package
- #1224 Remove constructor arguments from examples
- #1223 Fix docs of interceptor service registration
- #1222 Bump io.smallrye:smallrye-parent from 45 to 46
- #1220 Support a fixed list of Map keys statically @WithKeys
- #1218 Bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.2 to 2.3
- #1217 Cache profile prefixes
- #1216 Avoid expensive exception and log when getValues fails lookup for indexed properties and fallbacks to comma
- #1215 Check if profile file resources are in the location ClassLoader
- #1214 Internal cleanup of AbstractLocationConfigSourceLoader
- #1213 Reduce allocations of iterateNames
- #1212 Improve mappings documentation
- #1211 Avoid using string concatenation to forge impl name
- #1210 Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.0 to 2.0.20
- #1209 ConfigValue name consistent with PropertiesConfigSource
- #1204 Search for indexed property names before flattened comma separated value name when loading Collections for CDI injection
- #1203 Remove the generation of a comma separated value name for Collections in the YamlConfigSource
- #1202 Search for indexed property names before flattened comma separated value name when loading Collections
- #1201 Drop support for full YAML content in parent property names
- #1200 Bump io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin from 0.44.0 to 0.45.0
- #1198 Update sample ordinal in
- #1195 Bump zipp from 3.15.0 to 3.19.1 in /documentation
- #1196 Release 3.9.0
- #1193 Make jakarta.annotation-api compile scope so SmallRyeConfig can be used without any extra set up
- #1192 Test discover of application configuration
- #1191 Support .env file by default
- #1190 Support application configuration file by default
- #1189 Bump io.smallrye:smallrye-parent from 44 to 45
- #1187 PropertiesConfigSource implement ConfigValueConfigSource
- #1186 Remove KeyMapBackedConfigSource
- #1185 Move ConfigValue Map views to ConfigValueConfigSource
- #1184 Remove Json Converters
- #1183 Do not transform properties names coming from .env to underscores
- #1181 Generate equals and hashcode for @ConfigMapping implementations
- #1170 Bump kotlin.version from 1.9.23 to 2.0.0
- #1182 Release 3.8.3
- #1180 Env matching names before mappings
- #1179 Remove TestNG
- #1177 Bump version.curator from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0
- #1176 fix factory generic
- #1175 Improve message on mapping generation failure
- #1174 Bump io.smallrye:smallrye-parent from 43 to 44
- #1172 Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.3 to 3.6.0