Get the version number of any python module or package, reliably.
This is the readme for developers. The documentation for users is available here:
Contributions are welcome ! Simply fork this project on github, commit your contributions, and create pull requests.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of interesting open topics:
This project uses pytest
pytest -v getversion/tests/
You may need to install requirements for setup beforehand, using
pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-test.txt
This project uses setuptools_scm
to synchronise the version number. Therefore the following command should be used for development snapshots as well as official releases:
python egg_info bdist_wheel rotate -m.whl -k3
You may need to install requirements for setup beforehand, using
pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-setup.txt
This project uses mkdocs
to generate its documentation page. Therefore building a local copy of the doc page may be done using:
mkdocs build -f docs/mkdocs.yml
You may need to install requirements for doc beforehand, using
pip install -r ci_tools/requirements-doc.txt
The following commands generate the html test report and the associated badge.
pytest --junitxml=junit.xml -v getversion/tests/
ant -f ci_tools/generate-junit-html.xml
python ci_tools/
This project is now automatically deployed to PyPI when a tag is created. Anyway, for manual deployment we can use:
twine upload dist/* -r pypitest
twine upload dist/*