quickie is a MIPS runtime written in python. it lets you run MIPS code on your computer. it runs on any machine that has python 3.
introduction to using quickie: all data in quickie is word addressed. as this is written in python, each word is of unlimited size. also all operations are signed.
valid instructions:
addi $r1, $r2, imm adds the value in $r2 to the immediate and stores it in $r1.
add $r1, $r2, $r3 adds the value in $r2 to the value in $r3 and stores it in $r1.
andi $r1, $r2, imm performs logical and between $r2 and the immediate and stores it in $r1.
and $r1, $r2, $r3 performs logical and between $r2 and $r3 and stores it in $r1.
ori $r1, $r2, imm performs logical or between $r2 and the immediate and stores it in $r1.
or $r1, $r2, $r3 performs logical or between $r2 and $r3 and stores it in $r1.
beq $r1, $r2, label if $r1 and $r2 are equal, then we jump to the label.
bne $r1, $r2, label if $r1, and $r2 are not equal, then we jump to the label.
slt $r1, $r2, $r3 if the value in $r2 is less than the value in $r3, then $r1 is set to 1, otherwise $r1 is set to 0.
slti $r1, $r2, imm if the value in $r2 is less than the immediate, then $r1 is set to 1, otherwise $r1 is set to 0.
sub $r1, $r2, $r3 subtracts the value in $r3 from the value in $r2, then stores it in $r1.
mult $r1, $r2, $r3 multiplies the value in $r2 by the value in $r3 and stores it in $r1.
lw $r1, offset($r2) loads the word from memory specified by $r2 + offset and stores it in $r1. note: everything is word-addressed.
sw $r1, $r2 stores $r1 into memory specified by $r2 + offset. note: everything is word-addressed.
sll $r1, $r2, $r3 shifts the value in $r2 left by the value in $r3 and stores it in $r1.
sra $r1, $r2, $r3 does an unsigned shift to the right with the value in $r2 and $r3 and stores it in $r1.
li $r1, imm loads the immediate into $r1.
j label jumps to the label.
disp $r1 prints the value in $r1.
jal label jumps to the label and stores the return address in $31.
jr $r1 jumps to the address specified in $r1.
registers: all standard 32 registers are supported. names like $t0, $s0, and $ra are also supported. the zero register is protected (read-only and always 0).
quickie is a python script so run it with:
python3 quickie.py
this will run it in interactive mode where code is entered manually. to have quickie read code from a file, run it with the filename:
python3 quickie.py filename
you can also add "-v" to the end of it to print out all the registers and memory like
python3 quickie.py filename -v
python3 quickie.py -v
go bears!