is made for Neovim plugin developers to debug the plugin locally, or collect
debugging info from users.
With debuglog
, you leave the debug statements in the code. By default, nothing is logged,
but you can enable the loggers selectively.
The users of your plugin do not need the debuglog
to be installed. All logging is done
through the tiny shim file that you include in your plugin. Without the full
module, everything is a no-op.
To install the plugin with packer.nvim:
use {"smartpde/debuglog"}
Once installed, call the setup()
function to register various commands:
is an optional dependency of your plugin, therefore you must install the tiny
shim file dlog.lua into your
plugin's directory. The shim checks if the full debuglog
module is present, and turns
all logging into a no-op otherwise.
There is a simple command to copy the shim file for you:
:DebugLogInstallShim <path to plugin_dir/lua>
For example:
:DebugLogInstallShim ~/projects/my_awesome_plugin/lua
You can of course copy the file any other way.
Note that all debug loggers must be created using the dlog
shim module:
-- Enable logging by running ":DebugLogEnable *" command first.
local dlog = require("dlog")
local logger1 = dlog.logger("some_logger")
local logger2 = dlog.logger("another_logger")
logger1("This is from %s", "some_logger")
logger1("This is also from %s", "some_logger")
logger2("And this is from %s", "another_logger")
-- you can also check if the logger is enabled if the value to print
-- is expensive to get
if dlog.is_enabled("logger1") then
logger1("Print some heavy string: %s", "heavy string")
You can create many named loggers, the logger name will be attached to all its
messages. Additionally, log statements in the vim :messages
will be nicely colored
for easier identification:
The loggers use standard Lua's string.format().
By default, nothing is logged unless you enable the loggers. To do so you can use the plugin commands:
Enable all loggers:
:DebugLogEnable *
Enable loggers selectively:
:DebugLogEnable some_logger,another_logger
Note that enabling new loggers disables all previous ones.
Disable all logging:
You can also use the corresponding Lua functions:
local debuglog = require("debuglog")
By default, logs are written only to the :messages
console. You can also enable logging
to a file:
With user command:
With Lua:
require("debuglog").set_config({ log_to_file = true, log_to_console = true, })
The log file path will be printed out. You can also use the following command open the log file in Neovim:
Or get the log file path in Lua:
To disable file logging run:
The full list of configuration options with their defaults:
log_to_console = true,
log_to_file = false,
-- The highlight group for printing the time column in console
time_hl_group = "Comment",
The options can also be modified by calling the set_config(opts)
after the setup.