A console manager to LighthouseApp.com using the official lighthouse api
With Fresnel you can browse you complete lighthouse account.
- list projects
- list ticket bins
- list tickets (also in bins)
- create tickets
- assign tickets
- comment on tickets
- state changes
Fresnel is available from gemcutter.org, so a 'gem install fresnel' should just work.
When you want to help develop Fresnel, look at the following rake tasks:
- rake gem
- rake install
- rake reinstall
You can control the cache time in your global config file : ~/.fresnel
add a key like : cache_timeout: 60
This will set the timeout of the cache to 1 minute. When fresnel makes changes, the cache will be invalidated automagically. We would recommend to use a minimum of 10 seconds.
By default we detect your terminal size, if that fails it will be set to 80. Though if you like to override it you can !
in your global config file : ~/.fresnel add a key like : term_size: 60
The ticket overview table will add columns if it fits, in the following order :
- ticket number *
- state *
- title *
- assigned to
- by
- tags
- created at
- updated at
items with a * are always shown ;)
Once you have Fresnel installed, run 'fresnel help' to see the syntax.
Please post them on https://govannon.lighthouseapp.com/projects/42260-fresnel/ or mail it to : ticket+govannon.42260-7vwej7yr@lighthouseapp.com
fresnel help
| Fresnel - A lighthouseapp console manager - help |
| |
| Fresnel is a Console App that helps manage Lighthouse (LH). |
| You can find LH at http://lighthouseapp.com |
| |
| fresnel help This screen |
| fresnel bins Show all ticket bins |
| fresnel bin <id> Show ticket in bin <id> |
| fresnel projects Show all projects |
| fresnel <id> comment Show comments for ticket |
| fresnel <id> Show ticket details |
| fresnel <id> assign Assign ticket to user |
| fresnel <id> claim Assign ticket to self |
| fresnel <id> links Extract all links from the ticket and its |
| comment and open one in your browser. |
| fresnel <id> online Open browser for ticket |
| fresnel <id> [open|closed|hold|resolved|invalid] Change ticket state |
| fresnel tickets Show all tickets |
| fresnel create Create a ticket |
| |
| Created by Narnach & Smeevil - licence : mit |
fresnel projects
fetching projects...
| # | project name | public | open tickets |
| 0 | Fresnel | true | 3 |
| 1 | Rails | true | 123 |
fresnel tickets
Fetching unresolved tickets...
| # | state | title | tags | by | assigned to | created at | updated at |
| 10 | new | Add option to open Hoptoad link in browser | medium | Wes Oldenbeuving | nobody | Today 11:22 | Today 11:23 |
| 9 | new | cache invalidation | medium | Smeevil | nobody | Today 08:17 | Today 08:18 |
| 6 | open | would be nice if we could create a new lighthouse p... | low | Smeevil | Smeevil | 02-12-09 22:10 | 02-12-09 22:16 |
fresnel 6
| Ticket #6 : would be nice if we could create a new lighthouse projec... |
| Date : 02-12-09 22:10 by Smeevil |
| Tags : low |
| |
| |
Assignment changed 02-12-09 21:14 => Smeevil by Smeevil
| Smeevil 02-12-09 21:24 |
| |
| seems its changing state ! |
| now lets see if we can do it again ! |
| |
| Assignment changed => Wes Oldenbeuving |
Assignment changed 02-12-09 22:10 => Smeevil by Smeevil
Current state : open
fresnel 10 links
| # | link |
| 0 | http://upnextinsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/sports-pictures-baseball-tractor-beam.jpg |
| 1 | http://upnextinsports.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/sports-pictures-HHH-orton-miracle-superglue.jpg |
| 2 | http://www2.printshop.co.uk/Weebl/Shop/Plushies/Magical_Trevor_Plushie/Product.html |
| 3 | http://bit.ly/4wZKb |
| 4 | http://media.photobucket.com/image/fail/penguinking3/fail.jpg |
| 5 | http://www.realfreewebsites.com/blog/img/fail.jpg |
| 6 | www.illwillpress.com |
| 7 | www.govannon.nl/portfolio |