EToolbox Performance Tracker (or EToolbox Tracker for brevity) is a simple tool that displays a breakdown of AEM page load times component-wise. Generally speaking, this is a UI addition to Sling request progress tracker. However, it also provides some tooling for more granular measurement. With EToolbox Tracker you can dig into individual Sling models or POJO classes.
- Display a breakdown of page components load times as a tree;
- Retrieve timings per individual render units (such as HTL templates), Sling models, POJO classes, and even separate post-construct methods;
- Filter out small timings by an adjustable threshold;
- Highlight the slowest components;
- Install and unsinstall additional performance traps on the fly.
EToolbox Tracker has been tested with AEM 6.5.12 and newer. It requires Java 11 runtime.
Install the etoolbox-tracker.all-<version>.zip package with Package Manager. Then navigate to http://:4502/etoolbox/tracker.html. Paste the path to the page you want to analyze in the address bar, and press <Enter> or click the 🗘
This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.