Kegerator custom display using GC9A01 1.28" round display, hx711 with weight sensors and ESP32.
Project is fully working now for my needs. Lot of improvements are coming.
Hardware | Indic. price | Link |
ESP32 (Az-Delivery) | 11.99€ | Amazon |
GC9A01 1.28" Oled Display | 5.93€ | AliExpress |
HX711 + Weight Sensors | 4.20€ | AliExpress |
(Optionnal) 5V power supply | 15.67€ | Amazon Could also be powered by ESP32 micro USB |
PCB | To be defined | OSHPark / PCBWay / JLCPCB |
The ESP32 must first be flashed by USB. OTA is then available for future updates of the firmware.
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