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Kegerator custom display using GC9A01 1.28" round display, hx711 with weight sensors and ESP32. Project is fully working now for my needs. Lot of improvements are coming.

Hardware list

Hardware Indic. price Link
ESP32 (Az-Delivery) 11.99€ Amazon
GC9A01 1.28" Oled Display 5.93€ AliExpress
HX711 + Weight Sensors 4.20€ AliExpress
(Optionnal) 5V power supply 15.67€ Amazon
Could also be powered by ESP32 micro USB
PCB To be defined OSHPark / PCBWay / JLCPCB

Flashing the ESP32

The ESP32 must first be flashed by USB. OTA is then available for future updates of the firmware.

  1. Install VSCode Follow the procedure here to download and install VSCode.
  2. Install PlatformIO extension Start VSCode and install the PlatformIO extension. See here:
  3. Download this repository In a terminal use this command to clone this repo:
git clone

Hardware schema and assembly

display display display display display display display